Lastnight after I posted I took her out and took a look in her mouth...she has no front or bottom teeth in the front!!....I moistened her pellets just a little bit, they still had a crunch, but she seemed to beable to eat better, I think I am going to do that every other night so that one night she can tough it to keep her molars down and the other night beable to eat a little better....I am trying to get ahold of her previous owner to find out how this happened or if it was birth defect...her baby who is a med ebony has all her thank goodness if it was a birth defect that it didnt get passed on...I am shocked because the previous owner never told me...its not that big of a deal she is fairly older about 2-3 years old and she is in good shape so she has obviously found a way to overcome this obsticle...but I would have never put this poor chin through breeding...she is in a cage with her and her baby...when I picked up all of the chins, she handed me a hamster cage...I asked her why she was giving it to me, and she said that is what they dust bathed the back of my mind I was thinking "omg thank goodness I am taking these chins".....there was A TON of plastic tubing all inside their cages and newspaper that they had been eatting!!!...I took everything out!!....their poop is very small and hard, so I am going to wait a few days till they get used to me and then start them on ACTIVA yogurt to try to fix their digestive system....Joann do you have any other suggestions with the constipation??...or does anyone???....I have only had to deal with diahreaa not this....