Chinchillas > South East USA

South Carolina Show

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Man I really really really want to go.  I dont know about spending over 14 hours in a car to get there though.  Or $200 for a flight, then I would need to rent a car.

Are there any other shows coming up and if so where??

Only 13 days left to pre-register for the show.  Keep in mind that we will be purchasing ribbons based on our pre-registration numbers.  If many more people show up than expected we may not have enough ribbons for everyone.  If this should occur pre-registered guests will be assured ribbons on the show day. Others may have to wait for theirs to be mailed later.

To help make pre-registration easier we have set up an online form and you can pay through  The online form can be found here:

Just a quick question :::grins:: Are the people who will be comming with someone showing their animals (the people observing) going to be able to be with the people who are showing as they groom,  get ready and what-not? Or are they there stricktly to observe and will be in a different area?

Jo Ann:
 ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::

--- Quote from: BrightEyed on September 03, 2007, 08:28:20 AM ---Just a quick question :::grins:: Are the people who will be comming with someone showing their animals (the people observing) going to be able to be with the people who are showing as they groom,  get ready and what-not? Or are they there stricktly to observe and will be in a different area?

--- End quote ---

 ::silly::  Good question ... usually, they can pretty much help you with the grooming, if you need them to do so ... the number of "helpers" would have to be within a reasonable number ... is that right, Jamie?

Most observers also like to mill around and look at everyone else's chins and get an idea if they might like to buy one or test their own skills at judging and see if they can pick the winner.  ;)  This has to be done with courtesy and no touching the chins or picking-up the cages, please!

Once the show starts, everyone has to be in the audience and away from the animals, except for the show animal handlers.
Jamie, do we have some volunteers for handling the animals?

Do we need any volunteers for anything?

Question, please ...  I'm going to set up a table at the show and have several things to sell as well as a few chins to raffle off ... I'm going to put up another thread ... please give me ideas for pricing some of the items, please!


Jo Ann  ::wave::

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::  Hummmm ... Jamie must still be super busy with the Virtual Chinchilla Site.    :)

Just a reminder ... she needs all the preregistrations to be in to her by the 15 of this month. 

Information for ordering the food, trophies, ribbons and the number of show cages needed are a must! 

We want to make sure we have enough for all the people and for all the chinchillas. 

If your chin wins, I know you would love to be able to take the awards home with you, instead of haveing them sent to you later. 

It is expensive to put on a show and Jamie is going out on a limb for us with her own money, please get your registrations in to her a.s.a.p.! 


 ::wave::  Jo Ann

PS Donated door prises are greatly appreciated!


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