Chinchillas > South East USA

South Carolina Show

<< < (6/13) > >>

Oh, and we have yet to decide if we will show mutations separately or if mutations and standard will all be shown together.  It depends on the number of animals expected.  The awards will be slightly different depending on which we do but we are thinking right now that there will be Color Champion, Reserve Color Champion and Third Best of Class, Reserve Grand Show, and Grand Show Champion.

I believe we will also be giving breeder awards (all points earned by chinchillas shown are added up to get the breeders score)

I think I might go, I have until my birthday to decide.

I am not sure if I can drive so I need to ask my mom if she wants to make it a vaca. What day is it on? I might have to take a plane so I dunno if I can bring my baby Chico.

If I can't make it to this one, then, I suppose I will make it to the next!

Its on Saturday Oct. 20.  :)

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::  Even if it is not definate ... who all is planning to come to the field day October 20th in S.C.??

I need to get some approximate numbers so I will know what to bring with me.   :::grins::

 ::howdythere::  Jo Ann


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