When you travel with a chin, it is best to keep with it, the normal things it likes, but, it is not unusual for a chinchilla to cut way back on the amount of water and food it consumes when away from it's normal surroundings.
Your chin will remain in it's travel cage until the morning of the show and you start grooming it for the show.
Once the chin is groomed and placed in a show cage ... that's it ... they are not taken out of the show cage until the show is over.
There is nothing left in the show cage to distract from the appearance of the chinchilla.
The show is during the daytime ... their normal rest/sleeping time, so they do not need the food and water they need/enjoy at night ... it also cuts down on the urine and poos on the judging table. ;-)
Healthy chinchillas can go 3 days without food or water ... but ... it is not advisable.
If a chinchilla is not healthy, it should not travel and definately not to a show or somewhere there will be other chinchillas.They will usually eat and drink at the motel and before and after the show.
I think that covers everything.
Who else is trying to make plans to come? 
Jo Ann