Chinchillas > South East USA

South Carolina Show

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Well, we would love to have help with setting up and we will certainly need help with clean-up after the show. I am sure there will be plenty of jobs we will think of on the day of the show.  As far as leading up to the show not much else to do but wait.  :)

I did want to make two announcements.....

First, the pre-registration date has been extended so anyone who missed the dead-line can still register.


We are getting ready to start working on show books.   Advertising in the Show Book is $9 for 1/4 page, $13 for 1/2 page, and $20 for a whole page if anyone is interested.

Jo Ann:
--- Quote ---pre-registration date has been extended so anyone who missed the dead-line can still register
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---  Advertising in the Show Book is $9 for 1/4 page, $13 for 1/2 page, and $20 for a whole page if anyone is interested. 

--- End quote ---

Even if you can not make it to the show ... this is a chance to Advertise your website OR JUST SHOW OFF/BRAGG ON YOUR CHIN/CHINS! ( A pretty picture for all to admire!)    ::nod::   I'll be showing off mine!   ::)

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

I am hoping there will be some good chins for sale at the show.

I am looking for a dark ebony male (& female if poss.) and het beige female (& male if poss.)

But of course when it comes to chins I'm very open to what catches my eye  ;)

What I am most excited about is learning a lot and the experience.  :::grins:: There is always a lot to learn and that is one thing that will never change.

Try  If you don't see what you are looking for email them.  He has a bunch of babies!!!  I'll have a bunch for sale but mostly Pink white and Beige


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