Chinchillas > South East USA

South Carolina Show

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Jo Ann:
 ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::  Almost completed article!  Pages 1, 2, 3, & 5  are complete.    ::outofmymind::
Page 4 will be on the mutations and on the Social.   :::grins::   

Click on additional pages on the bottom of the pages.

Please let me know what you think of it so far!

It's 4:49 a.m. and I'm going to bed.  ::)

 ::wave:: Jo Ann

It looks great, Jo Ann. Sounds like you worked like a slave! hope you got some sleep when you were able to walk away!

There is one picture I would love if you could send me that I don't already have :)

on page three- right above the adorable picture of Jamie and Jacob- The pic where I am putting the animals on the judge's table. I'd love that in it's original size :) Just email me and let me know  :::grins::

The pages are great. VERY informational. If you don't mind I wanted to link to the atricle on my site so people can learn more about shows.  ::nod::

Jo Ann:
 ::silly::  Actually, I have a total of 8 photos you are in ... I will send them one at a time.   :)

I know you gave me all three names that worked handling the chins, but I lost them  :blush2:  could you send them to me again?  Please.   :)

Thanks!   :::grins::

Jo Ann ::wave::

Edited: Sorry I forgot to answer one question: Yes, I would love for you to link to the article.  I think the more people that understand how much fun and how much you learn these things the more will attend.

Jo Ann:
::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::It's finally finished !!! ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::
I think all pages are finally finished, except pictures of the winner in the beige division ... enjoy!

 ::wave:: Jo Ann

best show and chinchilla pages I have ever seen :) they look great!


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