Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => General Chat => Topic started by: TNChinChin on September 01, 2007, 08:19:08 AM
Right, so, I've been pretty sick lately, and ChinChin's such a doll that he knew I was sick, and allows me extra cuddle time when he comes out. (Usually all I get is about a minute, now I get two haha)
He really loves to use my arm and hand as a perch, and he always gives me light, little nibbles{ Just grazes his teeth over my skin, not really like. biting nibbles.} , and Today he accidently got a chunk of skin between his teeth and nipped. I calmly said "Ow!" and he scampered to his ..what I say, "I'm sorry" corner, and tucked his head under the wheel.
He does that whenever he accidently bites.
So, anyone else have a chin who either knows when they're sick, or one that is guilty whenever they know they did something that hurt their friend?
I'm not sure about them acting guilty after they hurt someone- but one of my chins especially does seem to be more affectionate then usual when I needed it. He normally isn't a big fan of being held and cuddled but I too was sick this past week and Oswald was so sweet and let me hold him and cuddled. Which makes me believe they do have sense things like that.
::silly:: Chinchillas are much more observant, sensitive, loving and understanding than most humans! Yes, I firmly belive they know when we are sick, hurting, upset, mad, depressed, happy or what ever mood we may be in at the time. Watch your chin's reactions at your different moods and actions. ::nod::
::wave:: Jo Ann
Our chins seem to know when they're doing something they shouldn't be but they are remorseless little hooligans especially Maggie... but what can we expect when we spoil them.
For instance when we let them out for play time, they know to stay away from the doorway but they will test us. Maggie will run up to the door and when we say NO Maggie, she'll pause and look back and either she will run back to me or she'll do this little wiggle and make a mad dash for the door.
One time she was chewing on this corner of her metal cage. I kept giving her sticks to try to get her to stop but she kept going back. Finally I put my hand between her and the corner - she got so mad! She started digging and kicking the bedding and then trying to push my hands away from the corner with her paws. eventually I think she tired out but it was the weirdest thing and she hasn't been fixated on that spot since.
Haha I've found one time that he's remorseless ->
If I have the raisin box, but there's not one in his mouth right that instant. He tends to bite my thumbnail fairly hard as if saying " Get a move on, That raisin is NOT in my mouth, and I demand it be so!"
Greedy chins! ::silly::