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News & Updates => News => Topic started by: Sillychinchilly on October 10, 2007, 06:37:20 PM

Title: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 10, 2007, 06:37:20 PM
Then told me that they didn't need me any more, because they won't be selling any more chins.
I'm sad to lose the job, but I'm relieved that they're not going to be endangering any more chins.

On the plus side, the groomer across the street from them is hiring, and I'm pretty good at grooming dogs. I have an interview there tomorrow.
Wish me luck!

OH! PS!!
I turned eighteen yesterday! :D
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: chinclub on October 10, 2007, 07:27:02 PM

That is wonderful news about the chinchillas.  Our Petco now has guinea pigs in the cage that used to house their chinchillas.  I am hoping that means they are through.  Sadly I think they killed more than they sold.  Twice I had to point out eye injuries to them and several times when I was in the store I saw them taking chinchillas out of the cage into the "back room" and returning empty-handed.  :o   But then I am not surprised.  Their care sheet plainly says to feed chinchillas fresh fruits and veggies and occasional nuts.  We all know these things will kill a chinchilla. :-[
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 10, 2007, 08:37:40 PM
Thanks for the birthday wishes. <3
Yes, it does seem that a lot of pet stores are very uneducated, and don't care to be. I worked there for eight months, and NEVER did anyone ask me a thing about the chins. They just told me to make sure I took care of them. I picked up my pay check on Fridays, and that was the end of it. Very little contact with anyone else. I think a lot of the other employees were a little annoyed by me because I was hired ONLY to take care of the chins.
Its very saddening. I think that people should have to go through special training in order to sell ANY exotic animal.... Especially chins.
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: chicosmama on October 11, 2007, 06:39:33 AM
Thank goodness they are giving up on that... nuts... o.o. Are they NUTS?!?! You dont feed ANY animal, not even yourself a grand amount of nuts. They are high in fat and protein which is fine but too much of a good thing can be fatal. :::(((
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: BrightEyed on October 11, 2007, 12:13:09 PM
thats good for the chins. at least they did hire you for them- and at least someone knew what they were doing.

I think we all agree there needs to be laws and steps that need to be taken before a pet store is even allowed to carry a certain animal. It would be great if they would have to go through programs and be licensed to be able to keep every different animal in their store. And they also need employees who are very well educated and specialize in the animals and have things done the right way. For the animals sake.

I bring certain things to the store's attention but it probably doesn't make a difference.

Good luck with the job hunting and happy birthday  :::grins::
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: chinclub on October 11, 2007, 01:03:07 PM
There is no way to regulate that sort of thing.  Even USDA is clueless!  We looked into getting a USDA license awhile back and when they guy came out I was shocked.  "No wood in the cage of any kind!"  "No porous surface they might vomit on!" And the rules went on!  I couldn't believe how clueless this guy was.  Chinchillas must have wood and things to chew on.  They can not Vomit even if they wanted too.  If I had listened to this guy my chinchillas would have suffered.  These are the people who do the regulating and even they have no clue!
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: BrightEyed on October 11, 2007, 03:30:54 PM
wow that is unbelievable.    :::(((  they clearly are not educated
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: mikasauntie on October 11, 2007, 10:27:30 PM
This has been one birthday you'll never forget!    :)
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 11, 2007, 11:26:07 PM
Lol seriously!! <3
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys. You're awesome.
I heard back from the groomer I applied at... I have an interview at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

I'm used to sleeping in until like, 12. Blah, I guess its time to grow up. I'll miss sleeping forever, though.
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: on October 12, 2007, 02:22:14 PM
Happy belated and


Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 12, 2007, 05:08:06 PM
Thanks Debbie! :)
And for anyone who wants to know, I got the job!!
Sundays, Mondays and Holidays off. 11.00 / hr + tips. Plus I get to work with doggies all day.
I start tomorrow morning!
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: BrightEyed on October 12, 2007, 07:35:21 PM
congrats on the job! sound's great!
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 13, 2007, 02:12:52 AM
Thanks! ;)
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sweetnessheart on October 13, 2007, 10:55:11 AM
Congratulations!  Sounds like a great job!
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: mikasauntie on October 15, 2007, 09:32:52 AM
How's the new job so far?     What does Pixel think of all those new dog smells?
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 15, 2007, 05:05:52 PM
Its good. I really like it.
Pixel doesn't mind the smell of the dogs as much as Booger and Doom do though. lol Booger gives me this look like "Traitor!" when I come home.
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Jo Ann on October 30, 2007, 09:13:03 AM
Thanks Debbie! :)
And for anyone who wants to know, I got the job!!
Sundays, Mondays and Holidays off. 11.00 / hr + tips. Plus I get to work with doggies all day.
I start tomorrow morning!

Happy Belated Birthday  ::birthday:: and Congratulations on the new job!   ::clapp::

My first job I got $1.15 an hour and had to work with people ... ::puke::
Yep, I'm older than dirt.   :::grins::

::wave:: Jo Ann
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: BrightEyed on October 30, 2007, 07:09:51 PM
My first job I got $1.15 an hour and had to work with people ... ::puke::
Yep, I'm older than dirt.   :::grins::

::wave:: Jo Ann

 :2funny: yea people are not fun to work with. I'd much rather be working with dogs then in customer service.  :(

How is the job been now that you've been there for a few weeks? I was actually considering working at a groomer PT. I went to cosmetology school but decided I wasn't in to it. People aren't my thing. I'd be better with the pets :)
Title: Re: My Store Sold Their Last Chinchilla Today
Post by: Sillychinchilly on October 31, 2007, 05:21:11 PM
I'm still really loving it, except today my boss told me that I can't have Christmas week off to go to Illinois to see my fiance's parents. That didn't bother me so much as Aaron's reaction, he's really upset.

I like working with the dogs, for the most part. Once in a while we'll get one in that's just TERRIBLE... Bites, scratches, snarls, the whole two bits. The rest of them are worth the trouble though. Some of them are sooooooo sweet. One today wanted nothing more than to sit in my lap while I was shaving her down, lol.

I agree wholeheartedly that I'd much rather work with dogs (and a few cats and birds) than people. :)
There are more nasty people out there than animals.