Chinchilla Community Forums

General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: chinchillagirl on November 10, 2007, 03:21:03 PM

Title: cute, little kittens
Post by: chinchillagirl on November 10, 2007, 03:21:03 PM
 ::silly::  Does anybody like cats?  I love them, especially kittens, but 2 of my sisters are allergic.  But I couldn't be happier with my chin.  At the pet store on saturdays, the shelter comes with their cats.  They had this ADORABLE 2 week old kitty that was as big as my chin!  she was so cute and she was drinking from a baby bottle ::silly:: 
Title: Re: cute, little kittens
Post by: Dan on May 21, 2008, 06:09:52 AM
I have two cats, they're indoor. Lazy bums.
Title: Re: cute, little kittens
Post by: Sweetnessheart on May 21, 2008, 07:44:00 AM
I've had cats all of my life until I had children.  Both of my children are allergic to cat fur.   :(

My 28 chinchillas takes the place of a cat.   I kiss and (have a quick)cuddle with my furball critters!   :::grins::