Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Q & A => Topic started by: nemue on December 25, 2007, 11:56:00 AM

Title: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 25, 2007, 11:56:00 AM
I finally have a wheel for my girls, I had to have it shipped from my niece, as I could not find on anywhere here.  I'm a bit concerned about it though, it's attached to the cage, but every time M'noke goes in it (she loves it!) it bounces around and looks unstable.  It's a wire mesh wheel, and has two spokes on both sides.  I'm a bit suspicous it might not be big enough as well.  How big should they be?  Is it ok for it to move around so much when she's hoping in it? 

I have to say though, it's the cutest thing when she's in it!   ;D
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Sillychinchilly on December 25, 2007, 01:45:09 PM
Wire spokes are bad, for one thing. A chins tail, ears, or toes can get caught and torn off. They can also get caught in the cross bar with similar results... Most of the owners here have a flying saucer wheel. Later when I'm on my computer instead of Aaron's I'll post you a link to a lady that makes them and will ship them to you for about 25 dollars. For the time being, even if M'noke loves it... I'd get rid of it. They're dangerous.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Billydkd on December 25, 2007, 04:34:59 PM
I agree don't use  that wheel, Chins have died in them with that crossbar.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 25, 2007, 06:08:33 PM
Thanks.  Please post the link.  I"ve been to seven pet stores here and noone even has one.  If I could order one that would be great.  I don't like how unstable the thing is!   :::(((
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Billydkd on December 25, 2007, 07:19:21 PM
Here is a link to some wheels and the flying saucer
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Sillychinchilly on December 25, 2007, 11:31:35 PM
Here's the link. Pixel has one made by this lady. Its sturdy, and didn't cost me an arm and a leg.
Good luck!!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Joyce on December 26, 2007, 07:32:40 AM
 ;)  We own & really like the 15" Quality Cage Chin Spin wheels!  I have lost count as to how many of these we actually have.  The chins love them and they are safe and well made wheels.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 26, 2007, 10:20:09 AM
That is a neat wheel!  We're going to get one.  I really don't like the one we have, and M'noke needs a run!  Do your chins sleep in it?  M'noke has taken to sleeping in the one we have.  It's helped with cleaning up, as all her poops are in the one spot! ???
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Sillychinchilly on December 26, 2007, 11:53:47 AM
Sometimes we catch her asleep in it... Usually she's on her leaping ledge, though.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Joyce on December 26, 2007, 12:28:13 PM
How old are the chins you are ordering the wheel for?  Are they still very young? 
The reason I ask is because sometimes the older chins have a hard time getting used to the flying saucer!  They just simply cannot figure it out like they can a plain old fashioned wheel. 
We have only one flying saucer wheel here and it is in the cage with 2 girls we got from Jamie when they were babies.  The flying saucer was introduced to them when we first got them. 
We tried some of our other chins on it and they were very nervous when it rocked around and spun them off, especially if there are multiples in the cage.  Maybe other people can give you opinions on this also but I have heard this from several others as well.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 26, 2007, 12:50:37 PM
I don't know how old they are yet.  I got them from a pet store (the only breeder I knew about had to put them all down due to illness).  The store was useless in giving me info (even told me they drop their tails, not their fur, on my last phone call to them).  We have a vet visit tomorrow to make sure Kira doesn't have anything (since she bit me so badly!).  So, we should know by then.  It's a good point though.  Maybe I"ll get a normal one that I know they are used to.  I haven't seen Kira on it, but M'noke loves it.  She probably doesn't let Kira go on it is my guess, but I don't have room for two! 

Thanks everybody, any input is welcome, I want to get the right wheel this time!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Asikovsek on December 28, 2007, 02:55:35 AM
Open wheels do tend to be dangerous especially for young chins who have so much energy and run like saucer wheels are deffinitly nice ::)
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 28, 2007, 11:44:19 AM
We never made it to the vet.  We had our water heater leak all over the basement, so that flood kinda took priority... So, we don't know how old they are yet.  But they definitely are maniacs!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: ChinchillAZ on December 28, 2007, 06:19:42 PM
Just so there isn't any confusion: The vet will not be able to tell you their age.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 28, 2007, 06:23:29 PM
Really?  They can usually tell cats age by checking teeth.  I thought it would be the same!  Is there a way to find out? ::think::
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: ChinchillAZ on December 28, 2007, 06:42:52 PM
We can guess ages of cats and dogs based on their teeth, but it's always a guess.  In general, permanent teeth begin to erupt at 11 to 12 weeks of age for felines and canines.  By the time they are 4 months old, most felines and canines have all of their permanent teeth.  When a cat or dog is older, veterinarians look at the condition of the teeth to try to determine age.  But this is, as I said, a guess.  Just like people, some animals have a biological disposition to the formation of tartar and the development of gum disease.  By the same token, a dog or cat might have had a dental cleaning, making their teeth appear younger than they actually are.

With horses, you can actually judge age nearly perfectly based on the teeth and the pattern of wear that emerges as they age.

With chinchillas, their teeth grow continuously throughout their lifetimes.  This is why chewing is so important to them!  It helps keep them filed down.  :)
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on December 28, 2007, 08:20:24 PM
I know the wheel you are talking about. The mesh is so tiny, I have personally had no problem with it for the smaller chins, because it is a smaller wheel. I also had the problem with it falling. I used zip ties to secure it more firmly to the cage. I also squeeze the spokes together with the wheel off of it to make it tighter. After that, you shouldn't have a problem. I would only use it for smaller chins. It is far too small for an adult, if it is the same one I have. I know the spokes are frowned upon, as I had purchased the wheel a while back before doing proper research. If you do want to continue to use the wheel, that should hopefully help!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 28, 2007, 08:24:56 PM
I think the girls are too big for it.  They come in more sizes I think, but I don't know if it's the size or how unstable it is.  They run a couple hops, then stop.  Sometimes I hear is squeeking longer than that (they're a bit shy with us in the room I think), but never for a long period of time. 

They've also stopped being so active on playtime since we got the wheel. M'noke comes out for a bit, then goes back in for a run on her wheel.  She also sleeps in it!

I"ll try tying it down for now and seeing if that helps until we can get a better one.  thanks.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Asikovsek on December 29, 2007, 01:27:59 AM
Thats the nice thing about pedigrees.  I wont really buy or sell any chins that dont have one, they make me feel better knowing their exact age and their gene history, it makes breeding them better also knowing what they are carriers of.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Leslie on December 30, 2007, 06:09:47 PM
The Flying Saucer wheel is fantastic!  I love it, love it, love it!  It's sturdy and it will last forever.  We also bought a silver surfer wheel, which is a huge wheel that attaches to the side of the cage but with no crossbar and I it to be noisy and it shakes the cage and my chin is chewing through it, even though it's metal.  I highly recommend the flying saucer wheel!  Also, my chin was about 2 1/2 when we got it, and he figured it out within minutes.  But then, he's perhaps the most brilliant chinchilla on earth.... :)

Do not give them a wheel with a cross bar.  When they run, do you see them stick their head out the side, and almost get it lopped off each time it goes around?  That's what it looked like when I had a insufficient wheel to begin with....
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: roadbag on December 31, 2007, 12:39:25 AM
The regular metal exercise wheel may have one problem... My boy chin's feet were bleeding after playing on that wheel probably due to the screw heads that stick out inside the wheel and also the line of suture of the aluminum. We had to smoothen it out with our files, and it was NOT a fun job...
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on December 31, 2007, 12:10:21 PM
I"m still deciding on a flying saucer or just a safer wheel.  I dont' think they wheel they have is as bad as the one you had!  But I do see how their tails could get stuck.  They suck their tails in every time, but accidents happen.  I haven't taken it out, and I won't until a new one comes.  Kira is 100% different from what she was like, and I think the arrival of the wheel has done that.  She kept me up an hour last night running on it at 4am, but I didn't mind, as she's such a sweetie now!   ;)
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Abby W. on December 31, 2007, 08:38:15 PM
I have flying saucer wheels in all of my cages.  They are fabulous!  They are less noisy than the other wheels I have tried (the ED wheel, and the one made by quality cages) and I think it gives the chin a more natural position to run in.  All of my chins love them.  They will compete over who is going to run on it, sometimes one will leap onto the wheel and shove another one off in mid-stride! I call it "synchronated wheel running"  :2funny:
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: mprieboy on January 08, 2008, 07:27:46 PM
I just got a quality cage 15" chin wheel and Pico LOVES it!  I def recommend this product.   
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on January 08, 2008, 09:07:29 PM
A friend of mine, who has a pet mouse (who survived their snake somehow) said they had an enclosed wheel for him once, but he would pee in it and it would bet disgusting.  I know the chins poop while they're on it (as evidence by the pile underneith).  Has this caused problems with anyone?  Sometimes Kira gets poop from M'noke knocking it off a level above her, so I can imagine that she's be covered in it! 
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Beth on January 09, 2008, 04:27:10 PM
Anyone out there know how to teach a chin to use a wheel, or do they just figure it out on their own?  Louie's had his two days, with no luck.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on January 09, 2008, 11:20:12 PM
Does your wheel make noise?  My girls didn't do it in front of me for two weeks, but we could hear it squeaking, and they would stop if we went in the room.  He might feel too uncomfortable to do it infront of you.   :blush2:
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: nemue on January 09, 2008, 11:24:18 PM
Also, check to see if there's an abnormal amount of poop under the wheel.  They poop as they're spinning.  Might help to know if he's a closet spinner!   ;D
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Beth on January 10, 2008, 06:26:28 AM
LOL!  You guys are hilarious. ;D rofl
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on January 10, 2008, 04:13:23 PM
I clean my wheels daily becaues there is usually urine on it. Some of my chins sleep in theirs, so I assume it is like shelf peeing. I usually have some on the outside and inside the wheel. I guess they are exercising so hard core, they don't want to stop for potty breaks! Gotta keep that girlish figure!! :2funny:
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Beth on January 10, 2008, 07:45:28 PM
Hi.  Sorry to be clogging up the board with all my posts!  I'm sure I'll settle down soon!  But Louie still hasn't paid any attention to his wheel (it's been three days).  Except now he sleeps under it.  Any advice?  Maybe I'll put a raisin piece on it...
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on January 10, 2008, 08:07:00 PM
The whole point of the forums is to chat! Most of my chins took a few days to take to the wheel. He is probably testing it out and you just don't know it. They are too curious just to ignore it. I haven't had a chin yet that didn't go nuts on it once they gave it a chance.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: rodafer on January 10, 2008, 08:43:45 PM
Beth: I wanted to tell you that my chin was a little sneaky thing. I thought she wasnt using her wheel at the beginning either, but then I would be sleeping and hear something. I would run into her room and she would be sitting on a ledge. Then, I would go back to bed and then sure enough, I would hear something again. Sooner or later I fugured out she was using her wheel but would NEVER do it in front of me. Ha ha ha ha. Now she is on it all the time!
It's like when you catch your child or husband doing something cute, but rather embarassing...they will stop dead in their tracks and not do it anymore!
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: on January 11, 2008, 04:07:02 PM
I have found some don't bother while others could spend hours using a wheel.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Leslie on January 11, 2008, 04:07:21 PM
Beth, what kind of wheel is it?  We got our second chin a big pink Silver Surfer wheel ( and he didn't catch on for at least 2 weeks.  We were pretty sure we'd wasted our money.  My boyfriend kept putting him on the wheel and then blocking it off with his hand, then holding a raisin out in front of his nose so he was forced to take a few steps on the wheel.  Whether or not this is the reason that TBone finally caught on is a matter of debate, but one day we came home and there he was, in the dark, running as fast as his little legs could carry him.  He's been running like a little fool every since.

And again I'll mention that the flying saucer wheel is much better than this above mentioned wheel, this one is very noisy and TBone's been able to chew through the metal on the edges.
Title: Re: Wheels
Post by: Beth on January 11, 2008, 04:13:43 PM
I have no idea what kind of wheel it is.  It's white and blue plastic and about 15" accross. It can work on a stand or attached to the wire sides of the cage (that's where I have it). I got it at Petco.  I'm sure she's not using it when I'm here because I would definitely hear it.  I plan on getting a flying saucer soon, but I need to save up for it.  I hope she catches on!
