Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Q & A => Topic started by: shadowborne on December 26, 2007, 07:50:37 PM

Title: Question about leaving for a few days.
Post by: shadowborne on December 26, 2007, 07:50:37 PM
Ok I am going out of town with my folks and was wondering if I have a friend of mine come in and feed them, talk to them, and maybe give them scratch's if it would be ok? I am talking about Friday night, saturday, sunday, and possibly monday. I ask because I am worried about them, yes we have a rescue chinchilla that we will hopefully introduce to Silver in a month or two, and don't want to cause to much stress. Basically want to see my grandmother since it's been about 5 years since I saw or even talk to her last.

Thank you
Title: Re: Question about leaving for a few days.
Post by: lesliesuniquecharm on December 27, 2007, 03:20:47 PM
If it was me i*d get someone who they're use to so they wont feel threatened or scared. Roo is awfully social but i*d only let 1 or 2 people take care of him for that long. Chin's are very protective & skidish. hehe i*d take Roo with me [[i took him to my moms with me & my boyfriend when the power was out for a day]], but if thats not a choice i*d get someone who you know for a fact won*t mess [[i.e poke at them, be very very loud & careless]] with them.
Title: Re: Question about leaving for a few days.
Post by: Asikovsek on December 28, 2007, 02:52:52 AM
When I have someone babysit I have them come over the week before and get reacquainted with the chins, it just like you always have a new babysitter meet the kids before they watch them.  Chins are the same way.  They are already going to be bummed that you are gone, it wont be horrible if u let someone watch them that they dont know, but its just courtesy to let the chins get a little familiar with their babysitter before you leave. ;)
Title: Re: Question about leaving for a few days.
Post by: shadowborne on December 28, 2007, 07:37:23 AM
They know him, he's a friend who comes over 2 to 3 times a week. When Silver is out she climbs all over him, will jump into his lap and play tag. She seems to like him and the other one likes everyone who comes into the room as long as you scratch her behind the ear at least once when you walk in.