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Chinchillas => Cages => Topic started by: nemue on February 06, 2008, 05:06:14 PM

Title: getting a new cage
Post by: nemue on February 06, 2008, 05:06:14 PM
i just won a $250 gift card for a mall, and i want to use it at the petstore for a new cage.  i want a big one with a drawer at the bottom for easy cleaning, and poop catchers, this way i can have them in the living room with out the mess! 

Does anyone have any suggestions on what cage would be best?

Also, if i want to move them, plus put them in a new cage, how should i go about doing that so it's not as stressful? 

i'm not worried about the cats, as they spend the day already watching them in teh cage adn don't hurt them. 

i appreciate any help!  Thanks. ;)
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on February 06, 2008, 05:30:26 PM
The best large cage I have found, as far as cleaning and catching poop is actually a ferret cage (I want to say it is Super Pet brand). I believe it is 2ft wide, 2ft deep and 4ft tall. The one I have is on wheels and it is great!!! Someone donated it to me and I couldn't be happier. I kept two of the plastic levels in there, and made some large wooden ledges to put in there. You could use just regular ledges and it would work great. It has a DEEP pan at the bottom with no wire floor. I started out with the pull out trays, but in my opinion, the deep pan is so much easier to clean!
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: Leslie on February 06, 2008, 09:42:19 PM
Oh it's too bad you're restricted to a store in the mall....well, it's awesome that you won such a great gift certificate, but....

I love Martin's Cages (  They are super reasonably priced and huge!  I have two and a friend of mine bought one as well, and we're all happy with them.  Oh and even shipping to Canada and all, they were still a great price.

One warning:  I would not buy a cage with a pull out shelf at the bottom again.  If your cage is wire bottomed, it is easier to clean yes, but both my chins have had issues with where to pee since I got them the wire bottom cages.  I have tried to cover as much of the cage except the wire bottom with wood panels, but they both like to hang their little furry behinds over the ramps and pee through them.  :flames:  There's always pee on our walls and on our floor in front of the cages because of this.  Plus, they just love playing in the wood shavings and I hate that I've robbed them of that joy.
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on February 06, 2008, 09:50:24 PM
They really do seem to enjoy romping around in the bedding! I have both kinds, but I definitely prefer the non-wire bottoms (so do the chins). The Martin's cages are great! If I don't get cages from them, I get the parts and pans their and build my own cages. Very high quality at great prices!
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: nemue on February 06, 2008, 10:42:26 PM
Chillinchinchillas is this the ferret cage you have?

I have a three level one with just a pan at the bottom.  I bought it used, and my only problem is the flying poop, and cleaning it.  The doors are very small, and I find it hard to get the bedding out.  I don't like the cleaning part, it's so awkward.  Does anyone else have problems iwth the wire bottoms? 

If the drawer turns out to be a problem, does anyone have any suggestions on stopping the flying poop?  Has anyone made anything or done anything that's kept the poop in?  Now that I know that they'll be ok with the cats, I think it would be better for them to be in the living room where we are all night, then in the guest room on their own, where the only time they have me there is when they're on their run (and frequent visits to see how they're doing!).  I want to hang out with them all the time! ::nod::

Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on February 06, 2008, 11:42:53 PM
Yes, that is the cage. I took the winding ladders out and found thick glass bowls that sit in the holes perfectly. I use those for pellets and toys. It is one of my favorites. I have not found a solution to "flying poop". I just sweep it up before bed everynight.
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: Asikovsek on February 07, 2008, 01:04:48 AM
i have to agree with chillin chinchillas I have several of those tall and deep cages they are great without all the mess.  I put ledges in it and it seems to be better than those plastic snap in shelves not to mention the ledges when they poop goes straight down to the bottom instead of sitting on top.
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on February 07, 2008, 09:13:03 AM
My favorite one is the one of the cages I designed. I made it with a deep pan and added a door on the side in which the deep pan can be slid out. That way the chins can play in the bedding and I still have the convenience of sliding the tray out to clean it.
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: nemue on February 07, 2008, 10:25:25 PM
Did you make the whole cage yourself?  I'd love to do that, but don't think that's in the cards for me right now.   :(  It's important to have poop catchers.  My husband wants them, and I agree.  We have carpet, and it would just be easier. 
Title: Re: getting a new cage
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on February 07, 2008, 10:51:38 PM
I taught myself how to build my own cages. It takes a lot of trial and error and frustration. It is definitely rewarding to improve upon my own designs!