Chinchilla Community Forums

Breeders => General Breeder Chat => Topic started by: Kizkitz on May 10, 2008, 01:09:06 PM

Title: Membership to MCBA?
Post by: Kizkitz on May 10, 2008, 01:09:06 PM
Hi All,
Okay, I have a silly question.  Can somebody tell me how to become a member of the MCBA?  I have printed out the form, but I don't know who I can have sign.  I did get one of my chins from a member, but I haven't talked to her for about 6 months and I can't remember how to get in touch.  I'm a little backward, as my chin had her babies a couple weeks ago, and all is good!
Title: Re: Membership to MCBA?
Post by: chinclub on May 10, 2008, 06:30:07 PM
Hi Kistin,
Any member can sign for you.  If you don't know a member send an email to them from their site telling about your chinchillas.  Sometimes they will approve you themselves.
Title: Re: Membership to MCBA?
Post by: chinchilla.nikki on May 24, 2008, 03:27:24 PM
Hi Kistin--I just recently sent an e-mail to try to get my MCBA membership going, also.  It does say on the paperwork that you need a sponsor.  I have been hearing that you don't need one.  ::think:: I do have one, but I e-mailed them asking if you really do need one & what I have been hearing, because I have been asked about it to.  They haven't responded to me yet.  I just sent it 2 days ago & it is the long weekend.  Maybe you have yours all straightened out by now, but just thought I give my input.     ::silly:: JANE