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General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: madie on August 03, 2008, 06:10:24 PM

Title: Riding at the spotted horse ranch.
Post by: madie on August 03, 2008, 06:10:24 PM
Me and my family also have big animals. So we decided to go to the spotted horse ranch and ride on there trails. OMG, the trails were all muddy and there were huge hills!! My horse has a cut on her leg cause of a rope burn, anyways we were out on the trails and it was so scary cause the mud came up to crazy's knee! After we got out of the mud there was a huge hill, I mean absolutely huge. So dad being the dare devil he is he let his horse run up it and he said we had to come up it my horse took off and Omg it was so ocward feeling. So after that hill we went up we started heading back to the camp. We came across a lil hill and mom doesn't ride much and her saddle came lose and she yelled "I'm falling, I'm falling!!" It was Hilarius because she just barley dropped. :::grins:: :::grins:: :::grins:: :::grins::. Don't worry she didn't get 1 bruise and she wasn't sore.