Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: madie on August 04, 2008, 05:09:48 PM
We have a tone of different animals. Well me and my dad were outside deworming the horses, cows, and so on, on the concrete. None of them like dewormer, so alot drips out of there mouth on to the ground. We didn't think anything about it so we let the dogs come outside and watch. Well puppy being the daring one licks it all up and it was like a whole tube!!! :o. The next day my dad woke up to get ready for work and he said" there is poop and puke everywhere. we eminently knew something was wrong and we went looking for puppy. When we found him he was up stairs shaking. We brought him downstairs and he was shaking so bad! My mom lad down with him to come him down. We called the vet and they ran all these test. They found out it was the dewormer!! :o. Were like is he blind forever and the vet said no!!!!!!!! :).She said it would take a week for his eyes to recover. But hes ok now, but that scared us halve to death. Now we always clean up every thing we spill before letting the dogs out.
OH my goodness well I am glad the puppy is ok.
Yea. Puppy is back to normal but now i always make sure i dont leave stuff laying around. ::shrug:: Cause that was really scary ::scaredspeachless::
Oh wow...I am so glad that it wasn't permantly blinded by the overdose of the dewormer...that it ate that was meant for the horses...How scary...
Wow, that would freak me out so bad! Although, it sounds like you handled that well. Puppies will eat anything they can get their paws on!
::silly:: One of our Danes has this thing about eating anything it can put in it's mouth (Danes have BIG mouths) ... I have to hide our tube socks, Bill's hankerchiefs and all washcloths, in particular. She always passes them ... but ... needless to say, we are constantly having to replacing them ...
This one Dane is now trying to catch the big yellow and black bees ... she caught the same one 4 times within 10 minutes. She got stung by one last year ... but ... must have forgotten how much it can hurt, because she is at it again this year. :D She will not listen to "NO" when it comes to something she wants to "play" with. ::)
::howdythere:: Jo Ann
You didn't take it to the pet immeadiately? You're lucky your poor judgment didn't cost the dog its life. -_-;
::scaredspeachless:: OMG that was some rush!!!! The poor baby.
Glad he's OK ::thumbsup::
My sister has a dog that has eaten everything from batteries to glass. If he could get it in his mouth it came out the other end. Many times with the help of a vet. He's 15 now and slowed down some.
And my cat love bees & wasp, hasn't been stung yet but I'm just waiting for the day.
Last night he got up on the counter and found a rubber band hung off a cupboard door :doh: Found it before he ate it but he would. ::)