Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: Hoppinchins on December 02, 2008, 09:59:43 PM

Title: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 02, 2008, 09:59:43 PM
Hi, I'm a new owner. I have two baby chins, both about 2 months old. The gray one is pogo, I got him first. The white one is snowie. Before I got snowie, Pogo liked to take dust baths more often, that now. The other day I noticed some of hims fur in the cage. He doesn't like to be held, but from looking at him, it looks like he has some paches of hair missing on him. Should I be worried? Is it just stress from having another chin? They get together pretty well.

I am also in the process of getting different food. There food now has pellets and fruit treats in it. I'm waiting for better food to come in the mail. I had also been giving pogo a raisin or 2 a day, that was how I got him in his cage. As of today, I'v stopped giving him treats. I was advsed to wait till they are 6 months to do that.

Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 02, 2008, 10:05:06 PM
Also, I read another blog about fur lose and them shedding during the summer time. But its Winter. Do they also shed in the winter?
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: ABC Chinchillas on December 03, 2008, 08:37:07 AM
chinchillas slip fur easily when nervious. CHeck him over for bites to make sure it wasn't a fight and keep an eye on the two boys. The fur will eventually grow back.
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 03, 2008, 10:11:41 AM
Ok, Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: mylittlechinchilla on December 05, 2008, 07:42:18 AM
The kits are probably bickering a little causing fur to slip... you may notice it more on their rear..
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 05, 2008, 11:11:30 PM
Yeah, thats mostly where its at. Its just my one chin, not on my other one.
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: mylittlechinchilla on December 06, 2008, 08:16:06 PM
The more dominant one is most likely chasing or humping the other, causing him to blow fur.  It will grow back and it can take up to 3 months..
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 07, 2008, 11:20:03 AM
My more dominant does chase and hump the other, but its my dominant chin that has fur lose. Not the other one. It dosn't look like its from biting. I started them on better food on Friday.
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: mylittlechinchilla on December 07, 2008, 07:09:01 PM
If these guys continue loosing fur, I would seperate them.  Maybe they will settle down some.
Title: Re: Lose of fur
Post by: Hoppinchins on December 08, 2008, 10:26:30 AM
Ok, Thanks for the advice.  :)