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General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: Hoppinchins on May 02, 2009, 06:16:02 PM

Title: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 02, 2009, 06:16:02 PM
So i'v had a long day today. I'v been trying to put up new shelves in my cage today which hasn't went to well. I'v had to go back up to home depot a few times bc they gave me wrong size washers and what not. I was able to get one shelf up all by myself, which wasn't easy.

But, my day didn't start off good today. I got my dad to turn on the ac last week because it was really hot outside and I was worried for my chins. And he turned it off the other day bc it wasn't as warm outside. I know I don't have my chins in the best spot but its the only place I have room for them in my room. I have there cage under my window. I had my windows open just a tiny bit when my dad came into my room.

He said that I should open them up more. I told him I didn't want to bc my chins could get sick from the draft. He told me that when it got warm outside that he's going to turn on the air for me. ( which is fine bc i'm going to take them to my b/f's them) He also said some other mean things and it really bothered me.

I was so upset about what my dad said that when my mom was helping me measure the shelves I started to cry. She agreed with me that she didn't think that my dad liked my chins.

Just a bit ago my dad said its better to have a pet that comes when you call it and u can pet it. Every time my dad comes in my room he will clap his hands and it scares my chins. I tell him not to. he told me that we have alot of extra wood outside. I told him that they can't have it bc they can only have certin types of woods. he said hes suprized that they are not exstink. ( I know i didn't spell that right)

I was wondering if someone parent or boyfriend/girlfriend or husband or wife has been like that.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: kneesaa on May 06, 2009, 07:33:17 AM
My Uncle is like that with our alpacas. He keeps saying that he rather have a horse because they will come to you. He also thinks that they can have any type of food and grass. I was telling him that I needed to get an other bag of grass seed and that it was over 90 bucks and he said just use the grass seed he bought and I told him no I can't it needs to be a special blend of grass :doh:.  He hasn't  said mean words yet!! But he just doesn't get the idea that they need special things you just can't give them stuff like you can a horse. Plus I think if my dad was a live he wouldn't like my chins or the alpacas. Come to think of it my Uncle doesn't even like my cats or my chinchillas. Any thing that has to have special food or doesn't come to you wagging its tail is bad to him.  So hang in there try not to let your dads words bother you.  Shannon
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Jo Ann on May 06, 2009, 08:11:24 AM
 ::silly::   ::silly::   ::silly::    For all of you who have family/friends that do not like chinchillas, don't fuss, argue or try to convince them ... just smile at them ... knowing, they are the ones missing out on all the fun, love and laughter chinchillas bring you.    ;) 

 ::howdythere::  Jo Ann

Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 06, 2009, 08:33:05 AM
Oh geesh...I'm so sorry you had such a rotten day...and that your dad's outlook is not as positive as you'ld like. But...I agree with Jo Ann...You can't force them to love the chins...and he's the one actually missing out.

I fortunately...don't have that trouble...My husband goes in and baby talks to the chins...I've even had visitors that will overcome their fear of the snake in our get a glimpse of the chins.

My FIL who is not "animal" lovey...even thought they were the cutest darn things...So...I don't know...I've never experianced what your feeling...Frustrated and hurt for certain...But didn't he just suggest a new cage...for your birthday? Maybe it's his way of trying to tell you he's a sense.

As for clapping hands when he enters the chins room...his house and he's the parent it's hard to tell him not to...he sounds stuborn...I think he's trying to get a rise out of you...Try and ignore it...see where it gets him...your calm voice will bring your chins to you...They'll just learn to never trust your dad...which since he's not fond of them...isn't a bad thing.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 06, 2009, 11:16:32 AM
Thanks everyone. Your right Jo Ann. I do think my dad might be trying ot get a rise out of me. Everyone else that has seen my chins like them. My cousion's kid, hes 2, he likes them alot. He always wants to see pictures of them when I see him. He even remembered there names. He calles them rabbits bc thats eaiser for him to say. Its soo cute to hear him say chinchilla though.

He didn't really subjest a new cage....He was thinking about a dog cage for them.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 06, 2009, 11:37:31 AM
Oh...was he using some sort of ill humor then? A dog cage...his dislike of the chins...and his comment about them not coming when called...made me wonder...

Hang in there...Your dad sounds a lot like my FIL...other than my FIL likes the chinchillas...but personalities they run neck and neck...

Could this stem from knowing his little girl is moving out...some sort of loss that you've grown up. Or has it always been like this?
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 06, 2009, 11:40:10 AM
My dad doesn't know yet that i'm moving out. I'm telling him soon though. He's pretty much always been like that. Hes hard headed
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 06, 2009, 11:41:35 AM
Oh...well he definately has a personality of my FIL...Good luck telling him... ;) Maybe invite him over for dinner or something...once your settled in.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 06, 2009, 11:46:00 AM
Thanks, I'll need it   ;) I think i'll take him out to lunch and tell him then.  ANd I will. I"m sure he'd enjoy that.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 06, 2009, 11:53:12 AM
Yeah...public may keep his tongue in check. I would wait until you enjoyed your meal...or at least let him enjoy his...for he may not want to eat after he finds out.

I'm afraid to ask if he likes this boyfriend...I mean...the man doesn't love chins...And what's not to love!
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 06, 2009, 12:16:18 PM
Lol, true.. Yeah i'll wait till like halfway through lunch or something. If you have pointers, feel free to tell me.

I belive he does. When he ment him for the first time we went out to dinner with him and my mom and he seemed intresterd in his work. I think thats a good sign. My boyfriend, Dan is a kicten manager at a bar  :)
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 06, 2009, 01:38:34 PM
Pointers...gee I recall taking my in-laws out to dinner when we broke the news we were getting married the same summer that their other son was. My father in law refused to take his eyes off the tv that was there. [sports bar]

I've got it covered...Um-mm your 24 yrs. old...Other than empty nest syndrome...and losing his baby girl...I think you'll take care of it just fine. ::nod::
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 06, 2009, 02:29:46 PM
 :) Thanks! I hope so.

Doesn't sound like your father in-law was ready to hear that news yet.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Jo Ann on May 07, 2009, 07:11:33 AM
 ::silly::  Scene: Lunch in a nice public restaurant ... almost finished eating ... then: "Dad, I know you're not very fond of my chins ... but, you won't have to put up with them to much longer ... I'm moving in with my boyfriend next month ... he likes my chins."    :::grins::

Make sure you are near the exit, just encase he forgets he's in public.   ::)

 ::fruit::  Jo Ann
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 08, 2009, 09:29:48 AM
 :2funny: Thanks Jo Ann, I will keep that in mind.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 18, 2009, 02:32:28 PM
I'm going out to lunch with my dad on Wendsday.... On the phone he asked what he had to be prapared for. I didn't really say anything. He asked if I was in trouble and I said no... Wish me luck.

My mom said the other day that my dad mentioned that i'm always over at Dan's that i'm going to be wanted to live with him. I think He kinda knows.

My cousion's wife sugested that I tell my dad that i'm thinking of moving in with Dan and see what his reactions are and give it time to soak in. Then in a few weeks tell him that we'v decited to live together. Everyone thinks that thats a good idea. So, i think thats what i'm going to do.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 19, 2009, 04:24:20 AM
I think that's a good idea...letting the idea sink in...instead of hitting him over the head with it.  ::nod:: Good luck Wednesday. ;)
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 19, 2009, 11:03:40 AM
Thanks! My dad has somethin to do for work tom, so we aren't doing lunch tom. We might do dinner later this week or lunch next week.

Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Jo Ann on May 19, 2009, 12:08:09 PM
My mom said the other day that my dad mentioned that i'm always over at Dan's that i'm going to be wanted to live with him. I think He kinda knows.
True ... but hearing it being said out loud, by "his little girl", may not be as easy to take than just thinking it, no matter how much he may expect it.   :)

My cousion's wife sugested that I tell my dad that i'm thinking of moving in with Dan and see what his reactions are and give it time to soak in.
That might be a good idea ... if he has to hear it from you, baby steps may be the best path.   :D

Now, here comes the parent in me ...  Food for thought ... just think about this ... don't answer it ...  ::)

Living together without being married has it's perks and it's bottomless pits.

1)  It keeps the legal profession out of it ... you get the keep your money instead of giving it to an attorney  :::grins::  ... but  ::think:: ... often the not wanting to 'go through a divorce thing' makes people willing to work a little harder to make a relationship work.  Marriage is a commitment not just to eachother, but a covenant with God.  Just being able to walk out does make it easier on  the person that wants to leave ... but, what about the person that really wants it to work?  
At first glance, the 'living together' may seem to be an easy way in, but it is also an easy way out ... or is it?  Would one or both of you constantly be on edge (way back in the back of your mind), because you know how easy it would be for you to say the heck with it and just walk out, OR would it make each of you more on edge, because you know the other one also knows it's just as easy for them to be able to do so, as it is for you?  

2)  Who's name is the lease of the apartment, utilities, phone, cable, etc. going to be in?  If it's going to be in only one name ... that person has the upper hand ... or do they ... I hope they can pay all the expenses with what they alone make, because they could have to do so ... if the other one leaves.

3)  And then, there is this "in trouble" thing.  How would your boyfriend react to "Honey, we're going to have a baby."  Would it be joy or "Get rid of it ... I'm not ready for that yet."  Accidents do happen ... the only foolproof method is abstinence ... living together does not promote abstinence.   :blush2:    You might want to test him on the subject ... pop out with that statement ... just to see how he would react.  Is he really who you think he is?

4)  Getting married is 'old fashion' ... true ... but ... when it is with the right one ... it's wonderful ... if it's not ... it's ... well, we won't go there.  I've experienced both.   So, how are you suppose to know if it is or not?   Is that what the 'living together' is suppose to answer?  Not really, because the commitment just is not there, don't fool yourself into thinking it is there.  As long as you both know, all you have to do is walk out the door and close it behind you ... there is no real commitment and you are "just playing house" and playing with fire.

Just my thoughts (and experiences) on the subject.    Oh, and the "I'm not ready for that." was not a boyfriend, but was my first husband, when I got pregnant after we were already married ... that's why he is a "was" ... and not an "is".   :)    Don't think he's changed much ... he's on his 4th or 5th marriage now.   ::)

I wish you all the luck and love life has to offer, along with the advice that you must be able to accept each other as you are, keep communications open, never take the other one for granted, and always to remember to do something special (no matter how small it is), that says "I love you" each and every day.

Love Life Counselor's Office is now closed.   :D

 ::taunt::   Jo Ann
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 19, 2009, 03:11:45 PM
That was great food for thought you gave Jo Ann... ;)
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: on May 20, 2009, 08:25:15 AM
Love Life Counselor's Office is now closed.   

Just for now we hope,  ;)  what would we do with out you? ::kiss99::
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 21, 2009, 07:03:02 PM
Thanks everyone!

I liked your food for thought Jo Ann. My boyfriend and I had already talked about some of that stuff already. I brought that stuff you mentioned to him last night. I know he wouldn't go anywere if i got pregnet.

Also we're not moving in with each other just cause we know we can walk away if things don't work out. We really want to live together. He loves it when I'm at his place befor he gets off work. He always says that its nice to come home to me and he looks forward to that when we live together.

I finnaly talked to my dad tonight. It pretty good. He doesn't know when i'm planing on moving out yet. He does know that Dan and i are serious and that we have talked about marriage. When I first mentioned that I wanted to live with dan, my dad said theres no need to hurry and that its fast. I understand that. But WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU JUST KNOW. I told him that I had planed on moving in with him to finish up his lease. He didn't mave much to say. He said that we should make an aggrement of what happeneds if we break up and about how the bills are going to be paid. He asked what would happen if i got pregent. I told him that we would get married.. kinda elope and then after the kid was born we'd have a real wedding. Dan's got good health inc at work also.

My dad wasn't mad or anything. I think he kinda knew why I wanted to have dinner with him bc he brought up my relationship with dan.

I told my b/f and my mom how dinner went. My mom's not sure if i got pregent and then married if I'd be covered under his inc. Dan said he will check into, so if it did happened we would know. Dan said that if we did have a kid befor we were married that he would like our kid to be in the wedding.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Jo Ann on May 21, 2009, 10:44:33 PM
 ::silly::  From my earlier post:
Now, here comes the parent in me ...  Food for thought ... just think about this ... don't answer it ... 

I see we parents think alike ... yours covered the same things I mentioned in my post ... rofl

I know it must be a relief to have "the talk" behind you ... glad your dad was understanding ... much more than mine would have been ... but that would be ancient history now.  Moving in first and getting married later just was not allowed when I was your age.   :D

My mom's not sure if i got pregnant and then married if I'd be covered under his inc. Dan said he will check into, so if it did happened we would know.
That is a big question that needs to be looked into.  My husband and I got married in February and I got pregnant in April ... I almost lost my son on several occasions ... had he been born prematurely, we would have not been covered my my husband's insurance.   Each company works differently, so it's a good thing to look into.  Even the easiest births are expensive now ... any complications could be devastating both emotionally and monetarily.

  ::wave::   Jo Ann
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 22, 2009, 07:58:04 AM
That's horrible that the inc company wouldn't have covered it if you had him early. I'm glad your son was fine.

I don't know how my dad's inc is either. I'll be covered on his policy till next may. I'm hoping to have a job with benefits by then though.

Yeah, times were different then. My dad was saying he was with my mom for 3 years before they got married and they didn't live together first. My mom was 21 when she got married and my dad was 23. They were both done with school by then though. I just turned 24.

I do agree with you that parents think alike. But thats not a bad thing either.  rofl

sorry to cut this short, I have to go to my next class.
Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: cadillactaste on May 27, 2009, 02:32:01 PM
That is definately something to check into...For I would think if you were pregnant before you got would be considered pre-existing...and not covered. You know how the insurance are...Something to think sure is expensive to have children...both mine were with complications...the second pregnancy I had to specialists on top of my OBGYN.

Title: Re: My dad not liking my chins
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 29, 2009, 07:47:20 AM
Yeah, you would think insurance would want to help you out instead of make your life a headach.