Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => General Chat => Topic started by: Hoppinchins on October 21, 2009, 08:44:12 AM
Last week my chins turned a year old!!! :) I can't believe that i'v had them for almost a year.
Way cool eh!
And you can't picture life with out them ::nod::
It's amazing what a big part of our lives they become.
I'm still a young breeder at 12 years, and no I can't believe it's been that long.
Jo Ann & Jamie have had chins much longer.
I guess now after a year it's safe to say chins will be with you for life. ::kiss99::
::silly:: I've always been an animal lover ... cats, dogs, rabbits, Guinea pigs, gerbils and assorted wild life ... but chinchillas just seem to have that "special something" that with just one look, can turn you into soft putty in their little paws. ::wub::
::howdythere:: Jo Ann
Aww. Thanks you two. And yes i prob will have chins for life. And you are right jo ann, the first time i sow chins i knew i had to have one. They are soo cute. The first one i sow was out of its cage at a pet store on the counter and he was eating a yogurt drop. He was just a baby. I wish i would have bought him, bc i spend like a wear looking for another one. And now i have 2. I kinda what another one.