Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: KristineQ on October 29, 2009, 02:44:42 PM

Title: Sick Chinchilla...Green Feces
Post by: KristineQ on October 29, 2009, 02:44:42 PM
My little guy, Frutteh Munstah, has been sick for a little while now.  His stool is greenish and a bit soft.  There is also a brownish film (like discharge) that comes out with the stool.  Has anyone experienced this with their chin?
I took some pictures of the stool:

He's about 5 years old.

These are the things in his, treats, and bedding (nothing has changed):
Brown's Extreme! Fruit & Nut Small Animal Treat
Kaytee Timothy Complete Chinchilla Food
Kaytee Natural Timothy Hay for Rabbits & Small Animals
Super Pet Lava Bites
Apple Orchard Chips Small Animal Chews
Super Pet Branch Bites
Apple Orchard Sticks Small Animal Chews
Super Pet Bark Bites
Carefresh Pet Bedding

Thank You,
Title: Re: Sick Chinchilla...Green Feces
Post by: Jo Ann on October 30, 2009, 05:55:48 AM
  :-\   There seems to be several things going on here that need attention.   I think it would be best for your little one to see an exotic pet veterinarian that is familiar with chinchillas as soon as possible.  (today would be best)

1) A chinchilla's poop should not be green ... that is a sign the food is not being processed in his digestive system properly.  More than likely he is not getting all the nutrients in his food because of this digestive tract problem that needs immediate attention.  Is he loosing weight?

2) From what I have seen in the past and with what you are describing, the moisture covering the poop/feces is a sign of diarrhea developing, possible parasites in the digestive tract and dehydration in the process.  None of these are good and all need immediate attention.  I will post two of the photos you took of his poop.

3) Some corrections in the food/treats you are giving him would be a good idea.   ::nono:: NO NUTS, PLEASE!  Read the ingredients on the food and treats you are giving him.  If there are nuts of any kind listed on the ingredients, get rid of it and get a more appropriate food/treats/supplement that does not contain any kind of nuts.     A chinchilla's digestive system does not have the appropriate means of digesting the oils found in nuts.  When the oils from nuts are not properly digested it can cause a fatty liver over time ... often resulting in death.

I did find the Kaytee website with no problems, but not the other products.  Could you post the URLs to the different products you have listed ... I am having trouble finding some of them.  I would like to check them all out.

  Jo Ann
Title: Re: Sick Chinchilla...Green Feces
Post by: on November 04, 2009, 01:53:50 PM
Yes it sounds like giardia to me.Treatable if caught before other problems arise.
I would not leave treats in the cage, and only feed 1-2 per day of safe treats by hand.
I would cut out all treat and stick with pellets & timothy hay.
Maybe a bit of burnt toast & yogurt until you get him checked by a vet.
How is he in general? Is he eating and acting normal?
Title: Re: Sick Chinchilla...Green Feces
Post by: Jo Ann on November 15, 2009, 12:43:45 PM
 ::silly::  Hi Kristine,  How's Frutteh Munstah doing?   
::think::  It's been two weeks and we've not heard from you. 

 ::wave::  Jo Ann