Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => Q & A => Topic started by: SymoneSterr on April 19, 2010, 02:53:38 PM
So I got Max on Thursday. He's giving me mixed signals! He'll jump on me and let me pet him, and then sometimes he'll bark when I try to touch him!
What is going on?!?!?! ;D
Also, one time he like made this loud sniffle noise at me... what is that?
I'm always around him I cleaned his cage twice already he gets new water 3-4 times a day and he has EVERYTHING like I spoil him to death and I haven't even had him that long. But for some reason he's hot and cold with me.
So I got Max on Thursday. He's giving me mixed signals! He'll jump on me and let me pet him, and then sometimes he'll bark when I try to touch him!
What is going on?!?!?!
Not to worry he's still settling in and testing the waters.
Barking does mean your peeing him off, they can sure let you know when to back off.
Go at his pace for now. A good routine will help.He needs to know what's going on and going to happen next.
Also, one time he like made this loud sniffle noise at me... what is that?
not sure ????
But for some reason he's hot and cold with me.
They have their moods and favorite times of day. ;)
Have noticed there is a difference depending on where you touch him? Many chinchillas are fine with your hands around their head and under the belly but hate being touched on the back. I once had a girl that LOVED to be scratched between the ears or under the chin. If I made the mistake of trying to pet her back she would bite for blood! ::07yikes:: I owned her for 10 years and she was that way the whole time. ::shrug::
Yes Jamie I just talked to a friend here and one of hers won't tolerate hands around his face.will bring blood everytime.Though she can handle him and pet him.
she was wondering if he had been chastised at the pet shop, but as he was in one of those big round show case cages with a heavy screen cover folks could get at his face.Not like he was being poked at.
she even had his teeth and head checked at the vet..LOL brought blood form the vet too.
He just don't like hands at his face. ::nod::
Just plop him on your shoulder, they seem to love to just sit there. Just watch out they like to nibble on shirts. I found a small hole in mine ::angel2::
And hair! Mine gave me a bad haircut one time. He took off about 5 inches! ::07yikes::
OMG Jamie :D
Yes mine like to get under my hair on the back of my neck. I feel them chewing. I always have this bit of shorter hair at neck LOL
When I go to get it cut or permed she now says" Letting the chins trim again are we" ;D
I just tickle his ear and he stops ::silly::