Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Enna on April 23, 2010, 09:49:52 PM
I'm a bit of a bird nerd. Currently Owned by 20 odd birdies ranging from Budgies to conures.
About 2 months ago i had 2 pairs of budgies set up and ended up having to raise all their babies with the youngest being a mear 4 days old when he was taken from the nest as momma bird allowed the oldest 2 to die. Lots of Stress Later here are the babies! You can see 7 Snuggles on the perch and if you look in the top left corner you can see the tip of a tail
Few of the Adult budgies
Bunch of the Budgies and their cage
The Tielish ones
And the lovebirds mylie and alex. Also know as savage one and savage 2 lol
How cute! I used to have a cockatiel. I see you have some too. Mine was very affectionate! Almost borderline needy. :2funny: Before her I had no idea what neat personalities birds could have.
Beautiful... I love them all.
Just lost 2 tiels last year at 20 & 21 years old. I've always had a tiel in the house ::nod::
Budgies too, right now I have 2 doves.
I hoping for an African grey parrot soon.
Keep looking at others, a few breeders here for some different ones like love birds. But I think I'll hold out for the parrot.
My sisters was breeding in Ontario and as she is home now is looking into setting up down her too.
Yes birds are just as personable as the chins ::nod::
Cockatiels are one of my faves for sure. There are Very little breeders here in newfoundland so i was lucky to find someone who was raising some tiels when i decided to get them. I Also got to finish hand raising them. One of the biggest issues is the Hens can easily become Cronic Egg layers which is what i'm dealing with now.
OK back the truck up :D
Your in Newfoundland???????
Well we've met at my place so Enna now owns a chinchilla ::bouncyball::
Maybe I can deliver him and see the birds Enna????
She is taking my little med ebony and her little sister named him Raspberry.
Raspberry will be ready to leave around May 28th.
One more
Oh Deb! What a cutie!!
Tash has me Drove nuts with wanting to visit him. Anytime i goes out to allys she gets a sooky cause we pass your place.
Sounds great for dropping him off to see the birdies but if you wanna visit sooner thats fine. Currently in the process of Changing around the birdie room so its a bit of a mess. Really needs to crub down all the cages. Soon enough.
Heck, I still havn't gotten raspberries cage set up yet. Needs to grab it out of the shead and get some platforms made for it.
Got some new pictures but of course i can't get them to upload. Shame cause i have one of my beautifulful girlie Ever
Great to see you again, won't be long now.
Yes I'd like to drop out and see the birds.
If you want to post pics of Molly email to me and I'll put them up for you. ::nod::
Enna you mail box is full so I could not reply LOL
No way you got new babies!!!! Cool
I don't mind nippers LOL
How about around supper time, like 5-6pm or so. Hubby has an MRI at 8pm at the Janeway so I have to be back for that. Or I could take Laura's rig.
I get groc. early afternoon with Laura, so any time after that is good for me.
So what would be a good time for you?
i'll be home all day. Just You can just show up when ever ya like.
If your intrested in a baby let me know. I think i will be getting a few more shipped in, in around a month and would be more then willing to get you one shipped in aswell. I can get ya a great price as i always get babies from the same person.
LOL I can't wait till tomorrow ::bouncyball::
Letting a kit go has never been such a joy for me before ;)
Alright, Think ya can pop out before 6:30? has to get mom from work at 7
Yes not a problem, I'll call when I'm leaving. OK