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General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Courtney on May 10, 2010, 04:10:23 AM

Title: My Parrots
Post by: Courtney on May 10, 2010, 04:10:23 AM
I have two crazy parrots, Chiquita Banana and Boomer. Chiquita is a handful. She is always steeling things, getting into trouble, she is so bad but I love her with all my heart. They are so loud I have to wear head sets to watch movies. Chiquita is very bossy and independent. She likes to sit on my head all the time. Boomer is more laid back. He was a rescue. He was abused physically and mentally. He has a cigarette burn on him, he was around pot and cigarettes. He was severely malnourished and dehydrated, I never in my life ever saw an animal drink so fast in all my life. He was literally choking. It took many vet trips to get him back to health but he's gaining weight and is extremely happy, he goes on me and sits with me at the computer and helps me type.

As you can see in the video she broke my camera, lol. Bugger! I had to get it fixed.

Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Enna on May 10, 2010, 10:37:22 PM
Boomer Is a cutie!!! I've got a few conures myself. Skittles is my baby though. Real devil bird. Attacks anyone who enters the birdie room as i call it. I gets blamed for her attitude. Apperently i baby her to much. Picks her up has her on her back kissin that cute lil beak of hers.

IRNs are beautiful birds. Always loved the Yellow mutations and their cute little voices.
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Courtney on May 11, 2010, 03:49:54 AM
Thanks, Boomer is a cutie but he has his moments, lol. Oh really, I love conures, they can be quite nippy but still I love them. Right now Boomer is trying to attack my fingers as I type. Can you post a pic of your babies? I would love to see them. Well we have to spoil and baby our birds don't we!  ;)
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: jmdebb on May 11, 2010, 10:04:25 AM
glad he's better..

wow that yellow sure is very beautiful
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Courtney on May 11, 2010, 09:24:59 PM
The yellow one is an indian ringneck. He's a plump one that's for sure.
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Enna on May 11, 2010, 09:48:43 PM

Thats Skittles. I have a post a bit further down showing a few other pictures of my guys. Can't see it in this picture as she always puts her good side foward but she has a huge Groove on the other side of her beak. When she was 5 months old ish she was attack by a sennie and now over a year later her beak still and will always have a groove. Gives Her character cause she's not the type of bird to back down.
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Courtney on May 12, 2010, 03:39:27 AM
Skittles is a cutie pie. He's adorable, such a sweet face. He looks so innocent.  Poor baby, but she is loved no matter. I had an IRN with missing toes. The breeders I got him from told me he went on top of a love birds cage and they bit the toe off, next day same thing other foot. Neither of them learnt.


He passes away due to epilepsy, I miss him so much. He was such a miserable parrot but that gave him character and attitude. He was awesome.

Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: on May 12, 2010, 06:05:20 PM
I love them  ::bouncyball::
would love to have a couple.   ;)
Title: Re: My Parrots
Post by: Courtney on May 13, 2010, 03:30:01 AM
You should get one. They are GREAT! They are such a blast to have.