Chinchilla Community Forums

Breeders => New Births => Topic started by: Crimson_Ham on May 21, 2010, 01:59:09 PM

Title: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: Crimson_Ham on May 21, 2010, 01:59:09 PM
posted pics in my gallery  :::grins::
they're adorable! wanted to share  rofl
*note* sorry about the quality... the pics are off my camera in my phone ::nod::
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: chinclub on May 21, 2010, 02:32:19 PM
Cute!!!!   ::wub::
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: jmdebb on May 21, 2010, 04:08:54 PM
thanks for the pics

Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: Crimson_Ham on May 23, 2010, 10:08:49 PM
 ::cry222::: Houdini died this morning. He had been gaining weight and eating well, walking around more. I don't get it. Could Xochitl have hurt him when she got startled last night? The kids took it hard but they're okay now. At least the other two are still doing really well.
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: jmdebb on May 24, 2010, 03:48:12 AM
aawwww i'm sorry to hear about that.....

j ::cry222:::
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: on May 24, 2010, 11:36:52 AM
Was that the baby?
How old was she?
Is Dad in the cage?
I lost one last season when Dad was ricocheting around the cage and landed on the baby.
I changed the cage around so it was so easy for him to get down to the birthing box. He has to get down on the floor now to get into it. I also kept him out a bit longer this litter.
I'm so sorry for your loss. ::cry222:::
It's always heart breaking. :hugs: for the kids.
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: Crimson_Ham on May 24, 2010, 02:25:22 PM
Yeah that was the littlest one. He made it to 3 days. Dad was in the ferret mansion cage we have, not with mom and the kits (didn't want the kits to climb and fall or sneak out the bars). I think Xochitl may have landed on him... She's still quite skittish and got startled some the other day. But Houdini just laid down where none of the others go in the cage and died... Maybe he knew he was hurt and went over there? I dunno. I just know he'd been getting better feeding and size wise and it was totally unexpected for me. I wish there was a way to speed the healing and trust process but she's at least not as skittish and terrified as she used to be.
I'm also hoping to keep the other 2 kits (much to my husband's dismay). I want to put the girl in with Dagda. He needs a companion and I don't want to risk a boy for when Xochitl goes into heat (same room and all) and maybe keep Thor in either the cage they're in now or in another of the ones I have (to keep one ready for new kits without displacing a chin from their home). David want's me to let them go and his sister knows someone that wants the girl and wants me to 'give her a discount' to this I replied if I sell her, they have to have a suitable cage (to my standards), they will not breed her, they will prove they know how to take care of her and 150$ (the price I had decided upon for any I sell ages ago) is dicounted! chins at the petstore are 170$+ and from a breeder depending on the color is 160$+ so why should I give someone I've never met one of my chinchillas for less than 150$ and proof of being able to handle and care for her?
D and M didn't like the answer. D says I should think about it since we don't have a ton more room for more chinchillas (I think if we got rid of the 2 legged semi permanent house guests and had just me him and our kids then the 4 legged family's space wouldn't be a problem. All of them take up less space together than 1 of my 2legged extras.) and M says to please think about it she's sure they'd treat her good but I should give them a discount so they can afford her... I think if they can't afford 150$ for her they can't afford the 200$ or so for a cage for her either let alone other supplies.  ::) Maybe I'll let them go next time there's kits but I do have requirements and standards and so far I see no one I will trust with my fur children. :::(((
Sorry kinda vented and got rambly there but at least I vented in a place people will understand.  :::grins:: ::nod::
Title: Re: Yay new kit triplets! 5-20-10
Post by: on May 25, 2010, 11:55:20 AM
Vent away, that's what we're here for too.

[quote wants me to 'give her a discount' to this I replied if I sell her, they have to have a suitable cage (to my standards), they will not breed her, they will prove they know how to take care of her and 150$ (the price I had decided upon for any I sell ages ago) is dicounted! chins at the petstore are 170$+ and from a breeder depending on the color is 160$+ so why should I give someone I've never met one of my chinchillas for less than 150$ and proof of being able to handle and care for her?

I never drop my price either.
I do give a reduction if you've bought in the past, as I feel I don't need to give start up supplies if you already have one of my chins.No care sheets or anything just the pedigree.
So after the first one I knock off $25.00.
And your so right, if she can't afford full price how will they afford supplies and possible vet bills. :doh:
I've heard it all I tell you, and yes have had a few I wouldn't sell a hay cube too. :D