Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Memorials => Topic started by: Courtney on May 26, 2010, 07:18:06 PM

Title: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Courtney on May 26, 2010, 07:18:06 PM
I just had to put down her daughter Trouble, now Candy. They were a rescue from a breeding ranch. Candy has been sick for a while now and I have been hanging on to long. Now she stopped eating, she’s loosing weight, she just lays in her box and her kidneys are shutting down. Her pee has a really bad ammonia smell, chins pee does not smell bad. Im just not looking forward to this. I feel sick knowing tomorrow is the day my baby will be gone. She doesn’t have any spunk anymore, I know in my heart Im doing the right thing. Im just going to miss her and I just had to do this with Trouble. It’s going to be really hard. She lived a happy life, nice big cage, lots of toys, a chin room to run in, now it’s time for her to go see her daughter.   She is very loved and very special. Every night I tuck her under my shirt and we watch a bit of TV together. She like that. So today Im just going to spend all day with her and suck in every moment I can.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Harleychin on May 26, 2010, 07:37:28 PM
I'm so sorry.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 26, 2010, 08:01:17 PM
aww. I i'm soo sorry. Think of it as she isn't going to be sick anymore. She'll be healtly in chinchilla heaven with her kid.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: jmdebb on May 26, 2010, 08:20:13 PM

i'm feel so bad for you.. it's never easy... but you did the best you could do and you rescued her and gave her a wonderful new life.

Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Courtney on May 26, 2010, 11:10:40 PM
Thank everyone, she had a good life. If I didn’t get her she would be made into a fur coat so she lived longer then she would have. Im holding her right now, she is tucked in my lap sleeping and the time has come, I just know it. She is very tired and weak. I didn’t sleep much, Im up at 1am knowing what I have to do. It affects my sleep. Im going to miss her really bad, my heart feels like it’s breaking but I have my others to cheer me up. I will break her cage down which will give tons more space in the chin room for them to run around. But Im just going to miss her with all my heart.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Blondy40 on May 27, 2010, 06:45:13 AM
Oh, I am so sorry! The both of you were lucky to have each other. It is so heartbreaking to have to make that kind of decision but to see her suffer as she is has to be an even greater heartbreak. I am sorry you are going through this. She will be at the Rainbow Bridge...footloose and fancy free...chin-chillin with those she loves! My heart goes out to you and your family....I thank the good lord for my healthy furry babies every day!! ::cry222::: We are all thinking about you, I am sure...
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: on May 27, 2010, 09:17:12 AM
 :hugs: It's never easy.

Yes they become such a part of the family, I'm so sorry you have to go through this but you are doing whats best for her.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Mcdoog7 on May 27, 2010, 02:12:00 PM
Aw I am so sorry  :'(  But you should be proud of yourself for rescuing her. At least she is going to die in peace rather than getting tortured to death. I think it's so nice that you are cuddling with her and spending quality time with her, you obviously have a very big heart. Saying good-bye is never an easy thing to do. Our family's first chinchilla, Vlad, died in my arms. I knew he was dying and just wanted to be there with him as he passed. He was our family pet and was as affectionate as any cat and as loyal as any dog. My thoughts are with you  ::cry222:::
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Courtney on May 27, 2010, 07:25:29 PM
Oh, I am so sorry! The both of you were lucky to have each other. It is so heartbreaking to have to make that kind of decision but to see her suffer as she is has to be an even greater heartbreak. I am sorry you are going through this. She will be at the Rainbow Bridge...footloose and fancy free...chin-chillin with those she loves! My heart goes out to you and your family....I thank the good lord for my healthy furry babies every day!!  We are all thinking about you, I am sure...

Thanks! We are going at 8:45am this morning. Well I can't sleep again so Im up. When ever I have stress it affects my sleep. I don't regret a single moment with my baby. She was such a lazy little nuggrt. She will be going to as place where she can eat as many raisins as she wants and mever stop eating them. 

They really do become a part of the family, my animals are my children, I don't have any so they are mu kids.

Aw I am so sorry    But you should be proud of yourself for rescuing her. At least she is going to die in peace rather than getting tortured to death. I think it's so nice that you are cuddling with her and spending quality time with her, you obviously have a very big heart. Saying good-bye is never an easy thing to do. Our family's first chinchilla, Vlad, died in my arms. I knew he was dying and just wanted to be there with him as he passed. He was our family pet and was as affectionate as any cat and as loyal as any dog. My thoughts are with you 

She will peacefully go to sleep in mommy's arms, I will be with her the whole time, Im not letting go. She will not die alone that's for sure. It's time, she is ready and I have made peace with it. Im so sorry she died in your arms, I know the feeling, I had that happen to me with a chinchilla as well. It's tough and Im sorry you had to go threw that.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 28, 2010, 11:59:28 AM
i'm sure its not easy. How are you doing? When i was 13 we had to put our dog to sleep. It all happened in a 2 week rage. One day he was fine, the next he had a sizuer and found out he had a brain tummor. He just got worse real quick.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 28, 2010, 12:01:08 PM
and we had him for 10 yrs... I hope your family and friends that live close by are there for you to help you out with this.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Courtney on May 29, 2010, 01:57:56 AM
Yes, my family is helping me out with this. It will be w tough day.
Title: Re: I’m eithanizing Candy tomorrow
Post by: Hoppinchins on May 29, 2010, 09:07:18 AM
I hope each day gets a little easier.