Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: chinboy123 on June 17, 2010, 10:38:39 AM

Title: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: chinboy123 on June 17, 2010, 10:38:39 AM
Last night I think my chinchilla had a seizure. I don't no why it happened and I don't no if it happened. I need some answers,and what i could do to prevent it from happening again. Thanks.
Title: Re: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: RollinEK on June 17, 2010, 02:51:22 PM
What exactly did he do? physical action wise.
Title: Re: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: chinclub on June 17, 2010, 03:24:01 PM
Here is a great page on the different types of seizures (how to recognize which kind and how to treat for it.)
Title: Re: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: RollinEK on June 17, 2010, 07:21:34 PM
Nice! thanks Chin!
Title: Re: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: Courtney on June 17, 2010, 11:29:21 PM
He could have epilepsy, you should take him to the vets, he may need to be put on permanent meds for it.
Title: Re: Chinchilla seizures :(
Post by: on June 22, 2010, 10:19:47 AM
I have an 11 year chin that has had seizures since he jumped from my hands as a kit. He struck is head on a bucket before landing on the floor. My first kit too, I was some upset.
He`s fine and only has them now when excited or frightened. So as long as I keep him in his routine he does very well.
I have never treated him but I think that depends on the type and cause of the seizures.

If it was caused by over exertion or over heating it may never happen again.
If it`s a calcium problem you`ll have to increase his calcium in take.

Finding out what caused it is the hardest part.