Chinchilla Community Forums

Breeders => Breeding 101 => Topic started by: dianah on July 11, 2010, 12:28:04 PM

Title: two girls, one pregnant
Post by: dianah on July 11, 2010, 12:28:04 PM
fluffy who's pregnant is sharing a cage with her daughter pippi. i am planning to take pippi out on day 104 as there's no way i'd want her in when the babies arrive as i have no idea what she'd do.

however, i know that other people have two females in a cage with a litter and the other female helps mum out. pippi and fluffy love each other and i'm wondering when would be a good time to put her in the cage when they can be supervised.

fluffy's a good mum but she was a single mum for about 8 weeks while chinchi the dad was being neutered - when we put him back in, all the babies were always cuddled up to him and fluffy was enjoying her freedom in a different part of the cage (which is fair enough really, she deserves it!)

so i think she would appreciate having someone there to give her a hand and as chinchi is no longer around, it sadly cannot be him. i would of course monitor them to make sure pippi's not obstructing nursing etc.

what do you think? is it too risky?
Title: Re: two girls, one pregnant
Post by: chinclub on July 14, 2010, 03:15:41 PM
I have never tried two females together but Debbie on the forums has does in successfully.  Hopefully she will see this thread but if not you can send her a private message.  I would think you can try it once mom is done delivering and the babies are all dry.  Just be ready to get her out at a moments notice and put them together early on a day when you can be there for many hours to watch.
Title: Re: two girls, one pregnant
Post by: dianah on July 15, 2010, 08:35:15 AM
thanks jamie!