Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Hoppinchins on February 01, 2011, 10:39:01 AM
Does anyone know if for small dogs its better to have a harnest instead of a collor for going on walks and suck?
I think it depends on the dog. My cockapoo walks very good on a leash so a collar is all he needs. My bloodhound is horrible about pulling so we give him a harness. It gives us better control and places the pressure against his wide chest area rather than his delicate throat.
i never owned small dogs, but i have to agree with jamie..
I might try a harness and see if that works better. She is usually pretty good with the collar, but she may like the harness better. I haven't been able to take her on many walks yet.
I would love to have gotten Chance into a harness , but he wouldn't have it. ::)
They use slip chains in his obedience classes and he's doing very well with it, but I rather his collar. ::nod::
Remember you are head of the pack, not her ;)
Depends on the dog. I have a basenji that I couldn't walk on a harness. He would just walk on his hind legs. Then I tried a collar. He pulled so hard that he would choke him self. After that I used a gentle leader. It works like a charm. What it does is everytime he pulls it turn his head toward me. Now my min pin I have to use a slip chain. She can slide her self out of any harnass or collar.
Hey Debbie, tell my parents that about being the leader of the pack. Our husky Stella rules their house.
I know i am. I'm trying to leash train her, along with the other stuff, but don't think I really know how to do that.
She also doesn't always come when I call her while we are outside. Its like she is in her own world then.
never do a recall off lead until your dog knows it well, reason being [for any command] once they know they dont' have to listen, you are in trouble. teach him everything with the lead on him, use treats to get him to want to do it. like for instance, when i did come with bear.. actually okay i did it off lead, but like we would be at the park, and i would start to run, dog will follow, then yell COME.. and keep running [backwards so you can watch him coming] and eventually he will catch up and GOOD BOY> TREAT. i dont' know if all dogs will follow if you run, i have shephards and they tend to want to be near you.. so it works like a charm.
and as for the choke chain, YUP, they stink.. most people do not realize not to use them because they can certainly harm a dog because of what you said, they just keep pulling and pulling and choke themselves..
personally i have to use a prong, and its more humane than a choke. i have never used a gentle leader, but i should probably try one. i wonder if it would work on bear.. he's so darn strong tho.