Chinchilla Community Forums

News & Updates => News => Topic started by: chinclub on September 14, 2011, 07:04:56 PM

Title: Total Reconstruction of the Club!!!
Post by: chinclub on September 14, 2011, 07:04:56 PM
Its about time and LONG overdue!  The members area of the club is getting a full makeover.  I am trashing the whole area and recreating everything from scratch.  It will be much easier to use and will include some new items.  I'll be removing some older items that are just too out of date.  I hope to have the new site open by the end of October but it drives me crazy to be half through a project so it will probably go live well before that.

Those of you who are Chinchilla Club members please visit the member area and let me know what you want kept, trashed, or added.  This is a great chance to share your ideas because if its possible I promise to add it to the new section.  If you aren't a club member you should think about joining.  It is going to be bigger and better than ever!!!!!!