Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: jlmcg on August 18, 2013, 11:47:40 AM
Sorry if this is a long post but there is a lot to type! Thanks for reading :)
Hello! I just got my first chinchilla ever about three weeks ago. He is amazing and I already love him so much. I got him "unexpectedly" from an animal Hospital that I worked in. He was surrendered by his previous owners (due to not taking proper care of him) and was open for adoption. I claimed him as soon as I learned his story. Like I said, this is my first chinchilla, though I have done a lot of research on them and have been around them for sometime.
So, I was able to bring him home and we got a huge cage for him! It is a four level cage. We got a big one in hopes to get him a friend in the future. He was dropped off in an extremely small cage from the old owners which just didn't work for me. He has fresh hay and pellets everyday. I change the water everyday ( he as two large water bottles in the cage). I got him three houses to hid and sleep. He has chew toys everywhere to play. At the bottom, I put a potty tray for him to use as well. He also has a "Flying Saucer" to play on but he mostly ignored it. He gets his dust bath every other day. It is not left in his cage.
What is Happening
Before I brought him home, he had a dental and the doctor said his teeth were too elongated from not having this to chew on. She did the dental and did a full exam on him to make sure nothing was wrong. He passed with flying colors. The week I brought him home, I noticed that his chin and feet are always wet. He also seems to have crusties in him eyes. One time, his left eye was shut from it and I had to wipe it to get the eye open again. Also, his fur is matted sometimes on his belly and sides. I am not sure what is going on and why all this is happening. I have checked his water bottle for leaking, thinking that he is just getting wet from the bottle. His behavior hasn't really changed at all. He eats and drinks just fine. He is always moving around and curious of everything! He greets me when I come home by running up to the top of his cage.
Anyway, any ideas, help, advice would be helpful. I am concerned and I don't want anything to happen it him. I have had him for less then a month but he has already stolen my heart and I couldn't bare to see anything happen to him. Thanks and sorry this was so long.
The eye condition and the wet chin suggest malocclusion. Has he been fur chewing too? I would suggest weighing him daily to ensure he doesn't lose weight rapidly; this could be another indication of malo. Best of luck to you and him, and welcome to the forum! :)
No, I haven't seen any fur chewing at all. There is no behavior changes either just the wet chin and eye crusties. I will pick up a scale tomorrow to start weighing him. Thank you for the advice!
It's probably time to call the vet and get him on antibiotics. It could be a respiratory infection or infection of the mouth.
Because of his history you might want to ask about the possibility of tooth spurs that may have got missed. Also check his food carefully for moisture or mold contamination which does happen sometimes causing these symptoms. I think you need to call the vet ASAP. If it is a respiratory infection it is very serious and I think because of your chinchillas history he might be at high risk for this.
OK, thanks. I was thinking about making an appointment anyway to get him checked out again. Friday was when I had to get the left eye cleaned up which is why I wanted to post to see what people thought. My vet is closed today so, I will call in the morning to make an appointment. I really appreciate the response and help.
It is likely your vet will prescribe antibiotics. If he does watch his food intake carefully. Some chinchillas will go off their food when on antibiotics and will die unless you hand feed them. If you notice this you need to be ready to hand feed the day it happens or could face serious complications.
So, it appears my little buddy has a dental spur. I guess it got missed when he had his last dental two weeks ago. I went to a different vet then the one that did the first dental. The first vet didn't have any openings so, I just booked with the new place that had amazing reviews on the care they give chinchillas. I just wanted to thank everyone for providing me information and concern! I appreciate it more then words can say!
I hope he does better. The vet may also have told you that this kind of problem can be ongoing and he may need more dental work in a few months so you'll have to wait and see. The best case is that the teeth will come back into alignment and everything will be fine. I hope everything goes well with your new chinchilla.