Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: Jenova on December 29, 2013, 09:32:55 AM

Title: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: Jenova on December 29, 2013, 09:32:55 AM
I need help please. Cheech has overgrown molars and was struggling to eat. As she lives with three other chinchillas she was pretending to eat and I caught it quite late. :( She went to the vets and they burred down her molars which had grown so much they were meeting in the middle of her mouth. :( She's come home with painkillers, antibiotics, eye drops because her eye was runny and recovery food. She's eating the recovery food fine but keeps on stretching her stomach and pressing it to the floor. I'm worried she was more starved than I realised and I've fed her too much too fast. Her mouth is also very sore and swollen still two days later. It looked sore and the other chinnies keep nosing or biting at it. It now looks like it's been cut or bitten and scabbed over. I wanted to separate her from the others for a week but she really pines for them and gets stressed. She'll be going back to the vets but have you got any ideas about the tummy pressing and the sore mouth? I'm very worried. :(
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: GrayRodent on December 29, 2013, 09:52:33 AM
The big thing you are looking for is flow through the intestines. Chances are you are experiencing gastrointestinal stasis. There are medications and procedures that can help with that if it is present. You should talk to your vet immediately and get advice. The stretching and laying flat could mean bowel trouble.
If you're still seeing fecal output, even if it's scant, you should see improvement over the next day or two. Again, talk to your vet for advice on this.

Mouth soreness and scabbing inside the mouth was likely caused from before the surgery. When teeth overgrow severely parts of the tooth will stab out and cut into the jaw. The roots of the teeth overgrow as well and can protrude beneath the jaw. If you're seeing cuts and scabbing outside that needs to get checked out. Either way it sounds like infection may be part of the problem and the vet should assess the effectiveness of the antibiotic because of the swelling.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: Jenova on December 29, 2013, 10:06:56 AM
Thanks. She is still pooing and had an injection for stasis after the op, for the just in case. It would have worn off by now though. She is also weeing a lot.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: GrayRodent on December 29, 2013, 03:16:28 PM
Excellent. If there's still poop then keep feeding the prescribed amounts to keep things going. It will take time for her digestive system to get back to normal. It is likely the increased urination is caused by the liquids from the syringe based diet but don't forget to mention that to your vet as well.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: Jenova on January 06, 2014, 03:09:31 PM
It was the other chinnies biting it. :(
She was trying to get back into the big cage today so I let her back in. Within five minutes the other chinchillas had pulled at her mouth again and made it bleed. :(

I feel so sorry for her, she wants their company and I have no idea why they're doing this. I'm going to have to let her heal up completely before she goes back, and that could be ages. She's in a hamster cage right now which I obviously can't keep her in for any longer. I'm asking around for something bigger. I'm worried she's going to get depressed on her own.

I just want her to get better.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: GrayRodent on January 06, 2014, 03:31:20 PM
That is really strange. I've heard of birds (especially chickens) pecking at wounds that are shiny but that is nothing I've ever heard of. I imagine the healing process will be pretty far along about three weeks from now. You can certainly keep the cages near each other (a 2" separation is recommended) and that should help. Look for rabbit cages to on craigslist or local classified. Rabbit cages are usually big, not the best for a chinchilla since they're not tall, but they're usually cheap and made out of the right stuff. (wire flooring 1/2"x1/2" grid, wire walls no greater than 1"x1/2")
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: Jasonred79 on January 07, 2014, 07:39:19 AM
How well have you bonded with her? Maybe you can substitute their company?
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth
Post by: Jenova on January 10, 2014, 05:04:48 AM
She has passed away. :(

I got home from work yesterday and there was blood everywhere. I rushed her to the emergency vets and they couldn't work out where the blood was coming from. Her lip wound was almost healed, her mouth was clean, not even any blood round her teeth, he teeth were fine, nothing round her nose or rear. There were big blood clots. She was hardly moving and so cold.

They got her on a heat mat, gave her injections for pain relief, antibiotics, gut motility and sub cut fluids. We took her home and kept her warm, but after few hours she started what looked like gagging (but I know they can't) and then she lay on her side and slowly went. I was stroking her head all the time.

There was something going on inside her that we don't know about. It wasn't her teeth or lip, they were just symptoms of whatever it was, but I don't think we want a PM to find out.

We are really broken. She was our most special pet. We will miss her so much.

I think I did everything I could for her. I wish I could have done more.

We told her we'll look after her babies (they're six so not really babies). So very, very sad. :(
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: GrayRodent on January 10, 2014, 07:05:50 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. It does sound like you've done everything you could.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: GrayRodent on January 10, 2014, 08:22:50 AM
My first thoughts when I read about this were that your chinchilla had developed some kind of blood disorder or reaction to medications. I looked up the side effects of NSAIDs because I know they can cause stomach ulcers. I discovered that although these side effects are rare, especially for being on them for such a short time, mouth ulcers and blood clotting problems are both known side effects. I know that some people can be unusually sensitive to certain meds and their side effects and it does goes the same for animals.
I probably wouldn't have said anything because it is very speculative but you mentioned you have offspring from this one. It is remotely possible they have inherited a sensitivity to the meds as well (Usually metacam or meloxycam which are commonly used with chinchillas without problems) and I just wanted to bring this up so you can watch for it.
Again I am sorry for your loss. That was so unexpected.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: Jenova on January 10, 2014, 08:31:26 AM
My first thoughts when I read about this were that your chinchilla had developed some kind of blood disorder or reaction to medications. I looked up the side effects of NSAIDs because I know they can cause stomach ulcers. I discovered that although these side effects are rare, especially for being on them for such a short time, mouth ulcers and blood clotting problems are both known side effects. I know that some people can be unusually sensitive to certain meds and their side effects and it does goes the same for animals.
I probably wouldn't have said anything because it is very speculative but you mentioned you have offspring from this one. It is remotely possible they have inherited a sensitivity to the meds as well (Usually metacam or meloxycam which are commonly used with chinchillas without problems) and I just wanted to bring this up so you can watch for it.
Again I am sorry for your loss. That was so unexpected.

Thank you very much for your reply. She was on metacam previously when she broke her arm with no issues, but it is a possibility. Although would you expect to see blood it in her faeces? I will keep that in mind for her daughters though.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: GrayRodent on January 10, 2014, 01:02:48 PM
It would probably be difficult to tell if there was blood in the feces without doing a test since blood becomes black when digested. But it is a very inexpensive test to do if you ever suspect that as being a problem.
Title: Re: Dental and sore mouth UD She's gone :(
Post by: mojito on January 23, 2014, 06:58:03 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss.