Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => Health => Topic started by: tnkrbelll528 on October 21, 2006, 01:48:34 PM
Two days ago one of my chins passed away :::((( While out playing we found him just laying there, he didn't seem to be able to move his front right arm, and within 5 mintutes he passed in my arms. Can you please tell me if this sounds like a stroke? or heart attack?
I am extremly sad by this but even more so, I don't know what to do with my other chin (Pika). He seems to be acting okay right now. He's eating hay, pellets, dusting, letting me hold him ect. On the other hand he seems to be sleeping a lot...almost moping in his house but then again it could be my imagination since I'm so sad...
I know they can get depressed: when does this usually start after losing a "roommate"? Should and when do I get Pika a new friend? He is a 3 1/2 yr old male...should we get him a new/old male/female?
Thanks so much
I know your Situation after losing my chinnie almost 3 months ago, Daisy was very sad about it but i gave her lots of extra attention and now shes fine. Wanna know what also helps is maybe put a small dog toy same size as your passed chin, so Pika feels like theres a buddy for him? I did that and Daisy treats it like a sister. ;D
thanks ...
after how long should I put a toy in and what kind since he'll chew on it for sure? ::shrug::
also, how did you know when yours was sad? I can't tell if he is or if its just me
::cry222::: It is normal for a chinchilla to mourn a cagemate or buddy, they have all the feelings and emotions we have.
Each chin is different and has to be addressed as such. Some chins need a cagemate a.s.a.p. ... others will not accept one at all, and then some will accept them, but only after a while. Keep in mind ... each has it's own personality, and personalities can conflict. They will need an introduction period to get to know eachother. How long were the two together?
In the meantime, give him lots of love and affection and plenty of extra attention.
A toy, if you decide to put one in with him, should be 100% cotton ... no plastic, rubber or metal ... and none of the "rolling eyes" or attached noses, please.
His death could have been from a fall, poision, electrocution, heart attack, stroke, seizure or who really knows what ... this is why playtime is strictly supervised for a chin. No other distractions for you ... eyes on your chin only.
Was his cagemate a male or female? If you introduce a female, make sure she's a year old or more and give them plenty of time to learn to like eachother before putting them in the same cage.
Keep us posted!
Jo Ann
I put the toy in after about 2 hours, and I just felt and saw she was like mopping around. The toys was all cotton and like you said Daisy wouldn't except another buddy i tried it with a friend's chinnie. Daisy and Strawberry were together about 2 years.
Awww how sad.
She will come around, in time. Just give her loads of extra time and love. She'll enjoy that, and so will you.
I'm learning that this low sugar problem is more common than I thought.
Some chins then suffer from stress from any little thing, and put them into shock.
Shock alone can kill them.
Was the one you lost a ruby eyed color?
As hard as it is to watch a chin be lonely after losing a cagemate, I feel that it's better to let them adjust to being alone for a bit, before trying out a new bud. New introductions are usually stressful - I figure it's not a good idea to add that to the stress of losing a cagemate. Like Jo Ann, I do think that chins have hearts, and that we should always remember that and care for them accordingly.
Single chins can be happy if you give them alot of attention - make time in your daily schedule for a regular playtime together, etc. Regard this time as a transitional time for your chin and then decide what you want to do in terms of introducing another. In general, I think chins are happier with a cagemate, but I do have one chin that much prefers being a singleton.
Thanks everyone. I think Pika is doing fine without his brother...he is still eating and playing as usual. And he has allowed me to hold him much more now. I will just wait to see how it plays out...whenever I go to bed I feel like he's all alone with nothing to do (even though he has a huge cage and toys!) Probably the way they stare at you saying "let me out again" lol.
He seems to be okay without a roomie, I think I feel worse then he does.... :blush2:
I think I feel worse then he does....
Your probably right.
Most mine have their own cage, and are quite happy.
I miss having just the one sometimes, I got to shower him with effection. He loved it.
Funny I brought him upstairs a couple of nights ago, and would bring him down for his run with the others.
Last night he choose to stay put. He loves being with the family, and the TV I think. ;)