Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: ThreeLilChins on October 26, 2006, 01:40:02 PM
This is the newest member of our family.(
OMG!!! What a doll! I just love poms! My aunt used to raise them, so they are special to my family. ;)
He is way too cute! ::nod::
Congrats on such a cutie threelilchins! He's very cute and pom like!
Oh My!! That is just the cutest little thing!! I didn't know Poms came in that color!! I've only ever seen the creamy/tan ones...Thats just way to much cuteness for one little critter!
He is so cute!
::silly::A tri-colored party pom!!! Beautiful!! Precious!
I had a female that looked almost exactly like him. I still have her brother, now 14 (reddish brown and white fur) and had their mom (a solid white pom).
Jo Ann
Gorgeous, and next on my list when I give up breeding chins.
That's what I keep saying, but I don't think I can wait that long. ;)
Don't tell Hubby :2funny:
Aww Hamlet is gorgeous :)