(http://image.blinkyou.com/glitter_images/halloweeno1.gif) (http://www.blinkyou.com/glitters.php)
Happy Halloween!
Jo Ann
Did you dress up for Halloween? I did!! I Love Halloween! It brings out the child in me! ::nod:: :D :wildeyes: ::banana::
Happy Halloeen! ::silly::
I did! We had a party Sat. for the kids and I dressed up to scare them on the hay ride. I was so fun!
Have A Wonderful Halloween!
Yes Happy Halloween to all.
It's also my daughters birthday, so we get to eat cake tonight. ::nod::
Happy Birthday to her. I bet thats neat to have your Birthday on Halloween.
::silly:: ::birthday:: ::jumpygift:: to your daughter!
:D One thing about having a birthday on a holiday ... no one can say they forgot the date! rofl
Don't let the goblins ::fruit:: get her cake! ::balloon::
Jo Ann
I have a question, can chins have baked pumpkin seeds? Otherwise Happy Halloween!
I think there was a topic on that last week and most people said no. Only a few people said yea. I never have and I don't think I would try it.
Roo gets soft poo with everything. I can't even give him but a tiny little bit of his supplement or I have a big mess.
Happy Halloween :)
Oct 31st ... Happy Halloween! .
. Nov. 1st ... Happy all Saints Day! .
. Nov. 2nd ... Happy all Souls Day!
Jo Ann
Yes Halloween is always special to us, and we always dress up.
Even to just answer the door.
Funny thing is, although I was born in Jan. I was born at midnight. The doctors flipped a coin to call my birthday. ;D
And my Mother has this really weird sixth sense.
We can be a scary bunch. :2funny:
So... They flipped a coin in January and decided your birthday was October 31st? ???
I don't think she meant her B-day is in Oct. it would still be in Jan. she was just born at Midnight.
Well, SOMEONE'S birthday was on Halloween, right? There was a birthday cake... I'm confused. ;D
It was her daughter's B-day. :D
OH! I missed that part. rofl
Thank you for explaining! I couldn't figure out why her parents would allow a doctor to flip a coin and completely change the month their child was born. :2funny:
How fun Debbie! :) You look so cute all dressed up.
Here's a picture of my niece Hailey. She is 5 months old now and she was a Heffalump for Halloween. :::grins::
She is so cute!
He he... Thanks. :) She hated wearing the head to her costume. LOL ::silly::
Aww Shes a Heffalump!
Awww! I need to borrow someone's furless baby next Halloween! ;D
Nice picture there Chinchilla_boy4! rofl
Next year I am going to dress up. We didn't end up going to the usual Halloween parties this year and we never get trick or treaters so we didn't bother buying costumes. ::shrug:: I love Halloween and getting all dressed up though, so next year I have to.
So... They flipped a coin in January and decided your birthday was October 31st?
No but you have it right now.
Oh Chinchillagrl, she's getting so big. What a little cutie, I can hardly wait for Feb.
Oh so what's a Heffalump???????? :D Got to get back into the kiddie stuff again.
Chinchillaboy I love your pic, glad to see the young'ns are keeping the fun alive. ::nod::Great costumes