Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => General Chat => Topic started by: Summer on November 18, 2006, 02:44:52 PM
::silly:: I get My new violet female today and I just bought a black velvet female that I get tommow. ::silly:: I'll put pics as soon as get them.
::silly:: How exciting!!!!! What beautiful colors too, I love both violets & black velvets. I have one black velvet and 3 violets. Yes, post pics soon so we can see them! :::grins::
when i was looking for a chin i wanted to get a black one but the breeder that we got mine from didn't have any. and and the only place that i could gat a black one was about 1 hour to a hour and a half! so i saw the ebony and fell in love with both the chin and the color!! ::chinhappy::
~steph ::gobananago:: ::banana:: ::gobananago::
:::grins:: Well I got My violet she just beautiful her name is Kiara DOB is 3/16/03 current weight is 636and is proven. ::gobananago:: When I went get her she had some other chins with her,I fell in love with a standard sc/ebc male.Zorro was born on 8/1/06 his current weight is 393. I will get some pics later tonight. ::silly::
This the Black Velvet
Owwwww!!! So cute cute!
Here's the Kiara, not the best pic
Here's Zorro, I just could not get a good pic.
::silly:: I got the Black velvet home just about an hour go. She has the most cutest face. I will get a current pic of tommow. ::silly::
They are all beauties, you must be having so much fun.
So you say Kiara is a violet?
But see how the lighting makes her look a rusty brown? Anyone else see that or am I color blind? :D
Now that could be a problem trying to figure out what colors I'm getting :2funny:
I love the color she looks on the pic,but it's not a color you would get in a chin is it?????????/ ::think::
Violets seem to be very hard to get a good picture on. Their color always seem to turn brown. I got some pretty good pictures with true color on my violets by putting them in a light box that I built with a solid white background, and well-lit with a lamp that had a daylight natural bulb. Every other type of bulb or color background I have tried has yielded an oddly colored picture.
They are both lovely :)
OK check his out, the black velvet I just got from Debbie " pets4love" said that she go to breeders b/c she would fuss and lunge at you. I had no problem with that,and neither did she. Also she said that she could be pg. :::grins:: So I was prepared for a bit of a fuss to get her out. I did not have that problem at all. I just took my time with her, I talked very soft to and give a papaya. She came out to my hands and I got to pet her!! ::banana:: I have seen that mean side of her yet.
But see how the lighting makes her look a rusty brown? Anyone else see that or am I color blind? :D
The pink background doesn't give a good idea of the actual color with a Violet chinchilla.
That's My pink shirt, I am going to take better pics soon. ::silly::
They are so cute!!!!! I love black velvets! I got mine a wheal at the show this weekend and it was so funny watching him try to figure it out.
I love the black velvets, that I get a baby boy at Christmas. ::silly:: OMG I got two for now and hope to get some more but was so funny to watch them try get on it. rofl
Here's some better pics,I hope Kiara just won't hold still. Maybe in couplel of days I can get a good one of my violets.
Zorro and Layla