Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Misskitz on November 19, 2006, 09:06:13 PM
I'm so excited!!! Today we inquired about a cinnamon-D.E.W Ferret!! for you guys not Faimiler about ferts dew means Dark.Eyed.White.
Knowing nothing about ferrets...
How does it qualify as a white if it's a cinnamon?
Unlike chins, Ferrets classify in 2 groups normally sable and cocolate. But seeing with this feet its a dew but its got enough little cinnamon to quitfly itself in both groups! I need some comments how do you like the name Socks Rome (Ronan -Rom-an) Cassie my other fert is Cassie Maye.
But seeing with this feet its a dew but its got enough little cinnamon to quitfly itself in both groups!
Its Fert not feet! :2funny:
Unlike chins, Ferrets classify in 2 groups normally sable and cocolate. But seeing with this feet its a dew but its got enough little cinnamon to quitfly itself in both groups!
This makes no sense to me. But I'm sure it does if you know about ferret genes. :blush2:
I'm sorry about this confusing stuff, i had studied ferrets for 2 years including after chins.I actually found a web-site that informs about chins and ferts.
It is very confusing.
I'm very excited even more, we're driving to get him on Friday!!! Welcome Home Socks Roman!!
Whoooo hooo
Yes how exciting, so we'll get to see pics tomorrow????? ;)
Well we met him today and his name is Charley before we got him his name was "Charley the Harley man" :2funny: He's the cutest thing I'll post tonite.