Chinchilla Community Forums

General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Jo Ann on January 21, 2007, 09:50:45 AM

Title: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on January 21, 2007, 09:50:45 AM
::silly::Any one know a good Great Dane breeder?  Or a Great Dane that needs a good home?  (Preferably east of the Mississippi River.) 

We're looking for a mate and/or play mate for our Lady.  Lady is a little over 2 1/2 years old. 

I'll check them all out, but would prefer a puppy.


Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Stacy on January 22, 2007, 07:36:01 AM
My little girl's teacher breeds them. I don't think she has any puppies right now but you could check with her and see. She is in South Carolina.
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on January 22, 2007, 10:35:23 PM
::silly::Thanks Stacey ... they don't have any right now ... I'll have to keep looking.

I did run into one that seems very hopeful ... the mom was delivering the first pup in the litter while I was talking to them ... hope it will work out ... but, I'll keep looking till I'm sure we will be able to get this one.

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: chinchillagrl06 on January 23, 2007, 12:40:56 PM
Good luck. I love danes. They are so cute. :)
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on January 24, 2007, 06:14:36 PM
My neighbor has 2 Danes one named "Moo-Moo" who I mistoke for a cow, because he's white with large black patches and Misty a darker blue Dane! Hope you find a real cutie!
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on January 27, 2007, 08:39:55 AM
::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::We got to see our new Dane puppy Thursday!   ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::

She is so cute ... only 4 days old, eyes are not open yet ... about the size of a 3 or 4 month old chin! 
I cupped my hands together and she curled-up and fell asleep in my hands. 
She is black with a small white crest on her chest ... she looks like Lady's twin.
I think we will name her Raven, not sure yet.  ::think::

I didn't get pictures because her mom was not very happy we took one of her kits away from her.
She did not do anything or growl, but the look she gave us was "Put my baby down!"
The momma Dane, a brindle, weighs right at 225 pounds, but is a bit over weight. 
The daddy, a black, weighs in at 195 and is big boned, but not fat ... he can stand on his hind feet, put his paws on Bill's shoulders and easily go eye to eye with Bill.  (Bill is 6' 5" tall.)
Hopefully they will send me pictures soon.

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on January 27, 2007, 07:16:12 PM
Congrats! I remember getting my lab, at 2 weeks old, she was sooo tiny! Post pictures!
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on January 28, 2007, 02:54:15 AM
::silly::I fixed a page for Lady (Our 2 1/2 year old Great Dane) ...

     The little female we are getting looks just like her!
        And their mommas are both named Hannah, but, no relation to eachother.
            Hoping to get pictures of the new little girl soon!

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on January 28, 2007, 09:34:50 AM
Is that little picture on the top Buddy? I read that he was like Moo-Moo, and that picture looks just like Moo! Haha! I want to see little Raven! Pictures!
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on January 28, 2007, 09:37:00 AM
Oppps! Is Lady's momma, Hannah, a Harlequin Dane? Is that her picture on the top right corner?
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on January 28, 2007, 11:10:27 AM
   Buddy is on the top left ... a black with white markings ... he is Lady's daddy.
    Hannah is the one on the top right ... a Harlequin Dane ... she's Lady's momma.  I sent a message to their owner asking for more pictures of the parents so that I can post better pictures of them.
     The new little Dane puppy, Raven, was born on the 21st of this month.  She looks like 'a miniature Lady'.  But, her daddy is a black and her mom a brindle, also named Hannah. 

    We were trying to think of a good name for the new puppy.  Raven + something else + McCraw.  I told Bill we needed to name her "Stark Raven Mad McCraw" ... we both laughed, because we know we won't do that to her.

     Lady is "Lady-in-Waiting McCraw".

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Summer on January 29, 2007, 01:34:47 PM
Congrats, Can't wiat to see pictures.
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: jmrothermel on January 30, 2007, 09:08:43 PM
Congrats!  :D  Can't wait to see pics.

Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: chinclub on January 31, 2007, 07:14:20 AM
Me too!  Congratulations!!
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 04, 2007, 10:01:41 AM
::silly::I'm still trying to get Kit to send me a picture of the little Dane girl  :-\ ... looks like I will be taking one when we go down to visit her this week.  ::shrug::

I'll get one up as soon as I receive or take one myself.   ::)

I can't fuss ... sometimes I get over whelmed and don't get pictures out ...  ::hah::  guess it's pay-back time.   ???

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Joyce on February 04, 2007, 04:46:43 PM
 ::fruit::  Hey Jo Ann,

I am so excited for you, Bill and Lady!!!!!!  A new baby in the family and little sister & playmate for Lady!  Wow, I know you are just beside yourself!  You guys probably count the days until your next visit with the baby.  Can't wait to see pictures!  I know you spoke of looking for another Dane so, were you looking for another black Dane?  Is that your favorite color?

 :) I am going to start another thread and post a few pics.  We just adopted a puppy, she is 1/2 Great Dane and
1/2 Dalmation.
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 04, 2007, 07:34:19 PM
 ::silly::I got pictures!!!

Hannah, a brindle Great Dane, Raven & her brother!    :::grins::
Her daddy is a solid black Great Dane.

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 04, 2007, 07:36:26 PM
 ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::This is Little Raven ... 10 days ago she could curl up and sleep in my hands when I cuped them ... she's growing like a weed!

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 04, 2007, 07:37:50 PM
 ::silly:: Raven is only 2 weeks old in this picture.     ::)
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Summer on February 04, 2007, 07:39:18 PM
She's adoable, that face is too cute. ::nod::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on February 05, 2007, 07:49:48 PM
Awwww! How much is she weighing? I love puppy faces, especially puppy kisses!   ::wub::  ::KissKissBig::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Sweetnessheart on February 05, 2007, 09:39:06 PM
She is gorgeous!  I love Puppy Breath!    ::kiss99::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: chinclub on February 06, 2007, 07:25:41 AM
What a cutie!!!  Congratulations on your new addition.  :)
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: on February 06, 2007, 01:43:41 PM
Oh sweet heavens above isn't that just the cutes. ::Lovehearts::
You must be so excited, congrats Jo Ann.
I love the Raven, it's my ebony males name.
Hmm a second name with Raven ::think:: Raven Crow Macraw, Sir. Raven, Ravenous Raven, Raven Magic........
Though I love the Stark Raven Mad
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 07, 2007, 07:29:50 AM
::silly::Thank-you all for the compliments  ::nod::
... we get to go see her again next week ...   :::grins::

Actually the Raven part of her name is to honor our first homo ebony female born at Luv 'N Chins.   :blush2:
She (Raven the chinchilla) lives with Amanda and Darren at Fuzzy Chins   :)

Bill said if we named her Stark Raven Mad McCraw ...
if she even accidentally hurt someone ... we would have no chance in court with that name!    ::)

 ::think::  Duchesses Raven McCraw?   
 ::think::  Her Majesty Raven McCraw? 
 ::think::  Ravenous Raven McCraw?

Any more suggestions? 

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Sweetnessheart on February 08, 2007, 10:43:54 AM
Be sure to take pictures when you go!!  We want an update on how much she is growing!    ::nod::    :::grins::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 20, 2007, 08:32:35 AM
 ::silly::We got to go see our little Dane yesterday ... got some pictures!

Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on February 20, 2007, 11:59:20 AM
 ::silly:: She is 4 weeks old and 6 pounds.

Another picture >>> Just click on the picture to inlarge it.

Jo Ann

P.S. More pictures at bottom of the page  :)
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: jmrothermel on February 20, 2007, 12:39:28 PM
Awwww Jo Ann, she is adorable!  ::wub::

Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on March 14, 2007, 04:18:52 PM
 :::grins::Have to post a couple of more pictures ...  ::)

Lady loves her new "little sister"   :)

Just click on the picture to enlarge it!   ::nod::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on March 14, 2007, 04:21:58 PM
 ::hah::  The 'not-so-sweet' look!  :D

Just click on the picture to enlarge it!   :::grins::

Don't miss the picture at the bottom of page 2 ... it's my favorite!

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Summer on March 14, 2007, 04:49:24 PM
Jo Ann She is too cute! I love that last one of her.  ::nod::
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Misskitz on March 14, 2007, 05:45:32 PM
Such a cute pic!
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: jmrothermel on March 14, 2007, 08:11:44 PM
Oh they are both adorable, but of course puppys are just too cute!  Good to see that they are such friends!

Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: on March 16, 2007, 11:48:04 AM
OMG that is the cutest.
Love the pic Jo Ann.
But she's not home yet is she?
You look Lady with you yes?
How sweet they look together.Lady will have some fun.
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: Jo Ann on March 17, 2007, 08:19:22 AM
::silly::Thanks for all the compliments!

OMG that is the cutest.
Love the pic Jo Ann.
But she's not home yet is she?
You look Lady with you yes?
How sweet they look together.Lady will have some fun.

Hi Debbie,

      Yep, we have her home with us.  She turns 8 weeks old tomorrow.  :)  She weighs 19 pounds now.  She only had one sibling, a male.  The mom is an older Dane ... this was her last litter.  She had trouble with the two previous litters, delivering all still-born pups.   This breeding was an accident.  The mom is very overweight and we were afraid she might roll over or step on the pups.

      Lady and all the neighboring dogs (from a Chihuahua to a pit bull) are getting her well socialized and her weight is right on the mark for her age.  We got a paper from her vet in SC stating she is in good health and OK to bring home.  All of her shots taken care of and we have an appointment for her with our vet this comming week.

      She sticks to Lady like glue.  They eat, sleep and play together.  I've never seen a momma dog teach her little one tolerance, but Lady is definitely teaching her tolerance.  Lady picks at her till she makes Raven, the puppy, mad, then lays her head on top of Raven until she calms down.   :D    Lady has a cloth stuffed bunny and a bee ... she uses both of them and a few chosen old washcloths to teach Raven to play tug of war.

      If Raven decides to nip me, all I have to do is say "Ouch" and Lady pulls her away with her paws, then fusses at Raven.  She's also helping to train her to go outside and to use the piddle pads during the night.

      Lady's never had a litter of her own, but I think she'll make a good mom if we ever let her have her own puppies.  She's making a great surrogate mom.

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Great Danes!
Post by: on March 18, 2007, 12:53:52 PM
Awww geez how sweet, gives me goose bumps.
Lady sounds like a natural.