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General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Joyce on February 16, 2007, 04:59:24 PM

Title: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: Joyce on February 16, 2007, 04:59:24 PM
Just got this from a good friend who does ferret rescue and wanted to share.  I know there are a few of you who have ferrets.   MAKE SURE YOUR SOUND IS ON.
 :'( Warning:  This is a well put together slide show and really gets the point across. Tears ran down my cheeks the entire way through.  I am sure they will yours as well.  Thank goodness there are people out there who do rescue and help these little guys.

 :::((( The staff at one of the shelters I do stuff with, they found a 5 week old baby rabbit (a beautiful domestic pet) out in the cold rain a few days ago!  Can you even imagine just tossing your pet out, who could do anything like that?  :flames:
They say she'll be OK.  She is in foster care now and needs to gain weight and get lots of love.
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: Jo Ann on February 16, 2007, 08:02:25 PM
:'( That is so sad ...

Anyone that would treat an animal that way, should be treated that way themselves.  :flames:

At least many found homes in time, and those that did not, felt comfort and love near the end.  ::cry222:::

Jo Ann
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: Stacy on February 19, 2007, 07:44:07 AM
That was so sad. I don't understand how people can treat animals like that.
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: Misskitz on February 21, 2007, 03:03:41 PM
I saw that on some ferret forums. Its very true though, (Thats the sad part) and thats how many ferrets are after they get abandon. Most of my (17) different pets are rescues, including my 2 ferts. :p
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: FluffBall on March 02, 2007, 08:19:08 AM
I have a ferret and well my 3 yr old daughter decided that it was her ferret and that she wants a white one too so they can play together and while I was looking at them in the pet stores that is where I got stunkin and got very lucky she is small and very calm and docile

but what I wanted to say is that while I was at one of the pet stores playing with the ferrets there was a family looking to get one not at that moment but in the near future and well the person there said that the reason they have a strong odor is because there are 5 in one cage but their scent glands are removed and well I jumped in and told her they still have a scent gland in their head and that one cannot be removed and the worker wasn't aware of that neither was I but I got ferrets for dummies and read it front to back and again I love that book

I think that there are some many ferrets out there because they are told that their scent glands are removed and can be litter  trained and people are being lied to they thing they are getting a smell free animal and can throw a litter box in the cage and poof they are trained it is a shame that theworkers at the store are not trained in all fields of the animals that they carry I am sure that if they were there would be a lot less homeless pets.

my ferret is the only store bought pet that I have and I wouldn't even had gotten her if she wouldn't have rested her head on my hand and looked up at me with sad eyes saying please take me home and I took her in 5 min.  but all my others a rescues even my 2 chins I was from a girl whowas moving and couldn't take the chin with her ( obviously she didn't care forthe chin cause she would've gotten a place that allowed them) and the other was from a friend who didn't have an extra cage to put him into cause she said that he is aggressive not and my one kitty I found as a kitten on the road and had to ween him myself with an eyedropper and the other kitty I got at a pet store from a rescue. and my fishies and ferret or the only store bought pets I own and will never buy store again

well I think that I have taken up enough time from writing a book sorry just had to speak out as a fellow ferret lover
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: Misskitz on March 02, 2007, 09:34:17 PM
I think people that say "We can't have Ferrets because they smell" are wrong, because ferrets don't smell (Well they smell Ferty but doesn't every animal have a smell?) Also you can easily control it. But this is off topic and yeah. But you go to many Ferret shelters and thats what the ferts are in for. Its sad and true!
Title: Re: Ferret Rescue Power Point (It is sad)
Post by: on March 04, 2007, 06:45:49 PM
It's so sad when folks impulse buy a pet, with out a thought to what if it's not the pet for me.
I can't believe there are that many ferrets out there abandoned.
We are over run with cats at our shelters.
It's all so sad, and the best we can do is keep passing the message along. Thanks Joyce
Have you pet spayed or neutered, or keep it in side, but at least keep it and look after it.