Chinchilla Community Forums
Breeders => New Births => Topic started by: Summer on February 27, 2007, 11:01:00 AM
This morning I just kind of looked at Norry cage and saw a tail sticking out! ::beeker:: The kit was still pretty wet so I left her alone. A few minuets later I heard Norry making some noise and I got to see her pull out the second one. Again I left her a few and came just in time see the last one come out. So we have T1 standard male at 55g, T2 standard male 55g and T3 standard female at 45g. I will get some pics as mommy as a bit more time to relax. I can't beleve I got see it! ::dancingspot::
Congrats on the new kits! How exciting that you got to see it!
Can't wait to see pics :)
OK I got pics, Here is T1,T2,T3.
There so cute!
Congratulations! They are very cute!
Congratulations to both you and Norry! They are very cute. ::silly::
So Precious! ::nod:: I miss having babies....I will have to put some of my males and females back together!
::silly:: Congratulations! They are so cute! You've had your hands full lately!
Jo Ann
They are lovely :)
;) Thank you every one!! :::grins:: These are my first chins born here they are extra special to me. Boy did have I had my hands full, I was looking to move too all at the same time this was going on. ::pull hair:: But is being put off till summer time. But their is still a lot of work to do. Norry is such a great mom too, ::nod:: but she has done a few times before. But I hadn't.
The first babies born at your home will never be forgotten. ::kiss99::
Now couldn't ya just kiss the faces right off 'em ::KissKissBig::
Congrats, some exciting eh!
The good thing is that never changes ;) but I kept my first litter, just because. ::gobananago::
I kept my first litter too, luckily they were the same sex so I could keep them together. I just couldn't part with them!
Update time!! :::grins::
I can't belive it,they are three weeks tommow. T1 is 120 g, T2 99, T3 g, 112 g. Here is some pix I took today.
and ::silly::
Yes they grow up way to fast don't they? ::nod::
How sweet!
Too fast me. ::nod:: The babies are getting so big!! Here are some updated pix of them.
T1-He is the biggest at 196 The toy was there so I could tell who was who. He is on hold,I am going to miss him when he go's.
T2-The small one at 159
T3-At 180 She is just like her mom.A sweet hart!
And here is one of all three,Too cute.
Here is the other group shot I got.
Awwwww the group shots are so adorable! I cant get my babies to sit still long enough to even get single pictures. Fast little buggers :)
::silly:: Good pictures, cute chins and great poses. The Three Musketeers! Precious, is the word for them.
Jo Ann
They are just to cute!
Those group shots are to cute.
Thanks evey one. :::grins:: They are just like their mom very clam. I took those pix in about five minutes! The new kits are going to be hard, they are ready run aroud like mad kits. (LOL)
Awww! How cute! I bet the time flew by, I know with the kittens it did! Their a month and day old! Congrats Chinpo!