Chinchilla Community Forums
Chinchillas => Q & A => Topic started by: vixie416 on June 21, 2006, 07:19:57 PM
Is there anyone who has knowledge or previous experience about a white discharge in the eye? My Cloe has a yuck coming out of it. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Should I take her to the vet? Help!! Help!!
Thanks in advance ;)
If it were me I would get him to the vet.
Most likely it is just an eye infection, probably from some dust, or bedding getting into the eye. I would call the vet, most likely, you'll have to put some drops in for a few days to clear it up. :::grins::
If you don't want to stress her with a vet visit try getting some Lipton tea bags (NOT INSTANT). Fix the tea just as the directions on the back say. Let the tea cool to a luke warm. Dip a cotton ball in the tea and test it on your arm to be sure its comfortably warm, then hold this over your chinchilla's eye. Ideally you should do it for about 5 mins. but its doubtful she will hold still that long. Repeat with a new cup of tea 3 times a day. If you see an improvement in 24 hours it was just a minor irritation and the tea fixed it. If it doesn't improve or gets worse in the next 24 hours then you will need to see a vet to be sure she doesn't need an eye ointment. Your vet should check for abrasions as well as infection. Usually an eye infection can be easily treated with ointment if the tea doesn't work. :)
I use saline to clean eyes when the get gunky,I like the tea too if it's bad.
Bad infections can cause the tear tucts not to work and I have one that gets true tears for a dry eye.