Chinchilla Community Forums
General Chat => Other Pets => Topic started by: Stacy on May 08, 2007, 09:33:30 AM
Molly my older Jack Russell is at the vet. She stayed at a fiends house last night and when he let her out this morning another dog attacked her. This man lives beside us and she has been staying with him at night for a while now. He lives by his self and he likes her company. The vet has her on an IV but thats all I know. I am so worried about her.
The dog that attacked her is a family members dog that lives not to far from us. I have asked them many times to keep the dog chained on or to pen him up, but they do it for a few days and then they let him go again. I don't know what to do about this dog. He is in my yard every night upsetting all of our other dogs that are in pens. I am really thinking about calling animal control but they will just put him to sleep because they have pick him up a few other times already.
I am also going to ask them to at lest help pay the vet bill, but I don't think that is going to go over very well.
I am sorry about Molly, :'( I hope that she is ok? I know how you must feel, ::scaredspeachless:: I have two that have to go in a kennel or trolley. They want to go see all the other dogs that are out! I would call animal control tell them. I had some done that on the other dogs that are out a round here MY goat might not have been hurt! That same that got My goat hurt another one & killed one. So don't take any chances. They should be liable for all the vet bills.
I agree completely they should be responsible for all of your expenses. I am so sorry this happened to you! I hope your dog is ok. I would definitely call animal control. I know it is not a pleasant thought for the other dog to be euthanized, but next time it might not be another dog he might be a child. Unfortunately, as much as I love animals, some are just too aggressive to be safe as pets.
I just got back from the Vet and she is doing good. They let her come home but she is moving really slow.
I called the owner of the dog and they are not going to pay the Vet bill but they did lock the dog back up.
I just know when the dog gets back off and comes back to my yard my husband will kill it.
I am glad that Molly was able to come home. It is a relief having our sick and/or hurt animals home with us. I feel that it gives us and them comfort.
Your neighbors should pay for the vet bills. When we had a similar incident I called the authorities and "they convinced" the people responsible for the action to pay. I believe you should definitely keep records of dates, bills, and times of when the attack happened. A picture of Molly's injuries would be good also.
I hope your husband won't take matters into his own hands with the neighbor's dog, because that will cause all kinds of other problems......which you won't want.
I am sorry that your dog got attacked. I hope that he makes a full recovery.
Glad to hear that Molly is home. I wish her a fast recovery. ::nod:: I don't know if it is different where you are or not, I talked to animal control about our goat and he said if the dog is on your property & hurting you,your family and or pets you can take of the matter your self. But I find out for sure where you live. I hate thinking that.
Where we live if we do anything to the dog we can get into big trouble. The only thing we can do is call animal control and I am hoping it wont come to that. I have had to get them to pick up a few stays that were not friendly. Any of them that I can get my hands on I keep untill I can find them a home. We don't have anywhere here that will take in unwanted animals. Here they put them to sleep time they put them in the truck.
Same here they just put them down. When we call on a dog being out they don't ever come so that must be why. But I also have livestock. ::shrug::
You could always Sue!
But really they should be charged with a fine for not having the dog on a leash, let alone locked up. It should not be running around loose.
We get a lot of dog attacks in at work and its usually people who dont lock up or chain their dogs.
Its aweful, and they should pay for it all since it was 100% their fault.
::silly::Hi Stacey,
I'm glad Molly is going to be OK. ::nod::
As far as your neighbors are concerned ... they are responsible for what their animals do ... legally responsible.
At this point, (it is almost a must, and without anymore delay) I would call the police, make a report with them ... the police may be able to convince them it would be to their advantage to pay the vet bill. You do not lock up your dog after the attack ... the attack should have never happened. They were negligent.
The police can point this out to them and can point out that you have the right to sue them for much more than just the vet bills. Strange how a third party, especially in a uniform or with the justice system, can be much more persuasive than the pet owner. Once they know what your rights are, they may be much more willing to do anything to satisfy your claim and rights.
If it had been my dog that had attacked your dog, I would have been at the vets with you, check-book in hand, begging you not to have my dog put to sleep.
Keep us posted on the events! Dates, times, pictures, bills and a police report are all very important.
Jo Ann
It has happened here as of late, and the owner of the dog that attacked was charged, fined, and had to pay all vet bills.
Little compensation for what the injured dog went through, 100 stitches, drainage tubes, and meds.
To say nothing of the emotional stress it puts on them.
I'm so sorry your dog had to go through that, and I would hope the owner of the attacker would have the common decency to pay with out the courts or law getting involved.
I know if my dog did something like that I'd have too.
Just like when my son broke out a neighbors window, my kid, my animal, my responsibility.
Isn't that they way is should be??????? ::think::