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Messages - kittycatcharm

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Bath sand/I'm allergic to bath dust
« on: January 31, 2011, 10:05:20 PM »
I saw this at the petstore the other day, and wondered if anyone else has used such a thing:
"Super Pet Chinchilla Bath Sand"

It interested me because I seem to be allergic to the dust we use - it's irritated my skin for awhile, but it seems to have gotten worse; lately I've started having breathing problems when I clean their cage, or if they've had a bath recently (they make a mess of the stuff). We've switched brands, but I think it's just the fine-ness that's the problem.

Obviously, I have to change my own behaviours about letting them make such messes (like turning on an air filter during bath time, giving them less dust, using the more contained bath house, and making sure it all gets cleaned up before the filter goes off...), but I wondered if this stuff would be less fine (and thus not get into the air so much) and if less fine is still safe for my babies.

Also, does anyone else use an air filter around their chins? Do you know any that are especially quiet while still effective? Certain housemates of mine do not appreciate my loud one, so I can't keep it on a lot :/

Guestbook / Hi!
« on: December 24, 2010, 08:35:24 PM »
I'm Anne (though I'll answer to Kitty, as well)

My boyfriend of 7 years brought the first chin into my life; now we have three Chinchildren, the third being the child of the first two ^_^

Nice to meet you all!

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