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Messages - PurpleMonstar

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Re: Chinchilla shakes when outside of her cage
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:30:29 PM »
You're still very knowledgeable and you have other pets so you're still experienced. :P
Putting something from her cage into another room sounds like a good idea, I'll be sure to try that with different things.
And sometimes there's other people and sometimes there isn't. She actually stops shaking and perks up when she sees one of my dogs so it isn't an issue with other animals.
Thanks a lot for the advice!

Q & A / Re: Chinchilla shakes when outside of her cage
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:04:03 PM »
I can try giving her a stick, I actually never thought to bring one of her stick toys with her. :(
And she does that in every other room except my room, where her cage is. Everything in each room is practically the same except the size of the room and smell. Usually when I am in the other room with her and start to walk back to my room so goes nuts and jumps in her cage right away. Maybe the smells in the other rooms alarm her and it's not really "home" for her?
And if I give her a blanket to hide under, she'll just chew it. ^^ I hold her and put her on my shoulder as a way to hide. My shoulder is where she likes to go.

Q & A / Re: Chinchilla shakes when outside of her cage
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:06:10 PM »
About or almost 2 years.

Q & A / Chinchilla shakes when outside of her cage
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:18:55 PM »
My chinchilla, BB, shakes when I'm holding her outside of her cage. I know it is probably due to nerves but it has been a long time since I have gotten her and she hasn't improved on this. She will sit at the edge of her cage and watch as I hold my other chinchilla but when I take BB out she just shakes and seems scared to be away from her cage. So I normally just pet her and talk to her at the edge of the cage and she likes that. Also, when I take her in the other room and half her run on the couch, she will just sit still and shake, only moving every so often. She does better when she's on the ground running around though.
Any suggestions on how I can make her comfortable or how I can help her improve on her nerves?

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