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Topics - Sixpoint0db

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Health / Crazy 48 hours
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:59:48 AM »
So Sunday I noticed my 2.5 half year chin was acting weird so I put him in a cage by himself. He wasn't eating or pooping so I decided to give him yogurt pelts and put a little vegetable oil on his food thinking of an obstruction. The next morning I saw he had something hanging from his rear end which I thought was a prolapsed rectum. I rushed him to my vet to see his doctor. In the waiting room this object went from about 1 inch to 5 inches and was wet and bloody. They rushed him into the ER. A few minutes later they come back saying he was a she and she gave birth. At this point I'm excited and releived that SHE is now ok. A few minutes later they said the little one died only a few minutes after giving birth, now I'm heartbroken. They preformed an X- ray and a physical exam, cleaned up my chin up and said everything will be ok and sent me on my way with meds. The rest of the day she slept during the day and barely ate. I woke up this morning and found out that she had passed sometime in her sleep. Her mate is very depressed now and Now he isnt eating either. It's been a rough 48 hours and I'm devastated. The well respected Vet charged me $250 for emergancy visit, and meds and within 24 she passed. My question is if they are responsible for her passing? I don't want to give the name of the vet but I will say they were polite, helpful, educated, and very nice.

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