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Topics - hanne1109

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General Chat / My chins wont get along :(
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:02:40 PM »
Hi everyone  :) I have a problem with my chins not all getting along. Heres a little story about them. My cousin got twp chins and were told they were boys, until she ended up with two little baby girls. The babys were born on thanksgiving of 2010. Once they were old enough i got one of them from her and named her Dusty. I believe i got her towards the end of April 2011. They ended up mating again right away and they had a boy and a girl this time, so i told my cousin i would take another to give Dusty one of her sisters. Unfortunatly before i got my second one. They all got out of there cage one night and got into something they shouldnt have eaten. The dad and Dustys twin sister passed away. She had the Mom and they second set of babys left. Once they were weened she seperated the boy from the mom and daughter. They were in cages right next to eachother. She decided to give me the mom since she got attached to the baby girl. I brought her home and named her Mama. Dusty and Mama got along right away and live in the same cage since. I would say i got Mama in Oct or Nov of 2011. Once i got Mama my cousin still had the boy and girl at her house living in seperate cages. She says that after her mom left she seemed to change a little and seemed sad. Now my cousin ended up having to move and couldnt have two seperate cages anymore so she asked if i wanted the little sister and i said yes! :::grins:: I brought the little sis home on April 6th 2012 and named her Chewy. My cousin also gave me a seperate cage with chewy. I set up her cage next to Dusty and Mama and they seemed ok. They were sniffing nose to nose with eachother. I decided to give them play time and i let Chewy and Mama out together first to see if they would remember eachother. They got along just fine. So then i let Dusty play and thats when the trouble started. Dusty didnt like that Mama was with Chewy and started to chase both of them. I seperated them and put them in their own cages. Ever since then I try to give play time and it always ends up the same. They are fine being side by side in their cages tho. I've tryed putting Chewy in a small carry cage inside of their big cage. When i do this the other two dont mind shes there and continue to eat or try to look at her. They dont try to attack her or bark at her or anything. But anytime they come close to her Chewy freaks out and makes a bunch of different sounds and sprays urine. She does this everytime they come close now. I've also tryed sticking Dusty and Mama is the travel cage together and then letting Chewy loose, in a Chinsafe room, so that she can go up to them if she wants and she will still make noises and spray urine. Also when all three are out together she will get jumped on and loose some fur so i always seperate them. It seems like both Dusty and Chewy like there mom but not eachother. Sisters  :doh: Can anyone please give me tips on how to make them get along? I would love to have the whole family living in the same cage together. I was reading that they might be asserting dominance so should i let them work it out since i've never seen blood? Please help!! Thank you all

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