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Topics - ChiliPepper

Pages: [1]
Health / Sudden increase in appetite! Maybe sick?
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:43:12 PM »

My two chins, Chili (female, age 12) and Pepper (male, age 6) have been on a pretty steady, healthy diet ever since Pepper was introduced to the mix 6 years ago.  They eat about 3 heaping tablespoons (total for both) each day of Mazuri.  Occasionally there was even some left over, but they typically ate it all.  This is, of course, supplemented by hay (pressed and loose), dried apple, alfalfa nibble rings, sticks, and other healthy treats.

About two weeks ago, my husband and I began to notice how rapidly their food was gone after feeding them.  They tore through it and it was gone immediately.  Also, instead of just stirring in the morning and waking up late morning, both are up and at the front of the cage early, begging for food.  We don't want to overfeed them or because of our schedules we don't want to switch to a twice daily feeding schedule.  They've been getting more hay and alfalfa nibble rings as we try to supplement the food in a healthy way, and we have upped their food from 3 to 4 tablespoons. 

They are drinking water normally.  Their poop is normal - no diarrhea.  The only other small change is that Chili, the elder, has been losing a little more hair lately.  At 12 years old, that doesn't seem totally abnormal to us.

Finally, I do not think anything is wrong with Pepper, the younger of the two.  I think his "increased appetite" is just following suit with his "big sister," because if he doesn't get to the dish when she does, there won't be anything left for him.

Thanks in advance, your help is greatly appreciated!

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