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Health / Female discharging ???
« on: January 20, 2007, 09:29:44 AM »
My baby gurl is a bit under a year old, she has been very healthy since i got her and besides an eye infection for a day or so, i have had no other situations with her. i also have a male who is about two years old and before the gurl was old enough to get pregnant, we either let them out to exercise seperatly or watched them when they were out together. Anyway, to the point, we have been letting the gurl and the boy get it on, so to speak because we would like some kits, we have a friend or two who are interested, we dont want to make any money out of it, just the happiness of a few friends. anyway, about a month ago, the gurl started spraying a brownish fluid, mostly on the walls aside of her cage but also out in the room during her exercise, i also noticed that now it appears to be on the rug in a few spots but not like urine, more like she was walking and....leaking.....sorry, couldnt think of a better way of saying that! the first time i noticed this, i cleaned up the walls and it seemed to stop for a few weeks, now i see it again but only once. my questions are, may she be pregnant? might she have a urinal or vaginal infection? i also dont know what to look for to see if she is pregnant, as i understood it, it is very difficult to detect a pregnancy in a chin. i am worried about her because it seems like her attitude has changed as well, she seems to be more testy to both me and her husband. i also dont know of any vets in my area who specialize in chins, any help with these questions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


p.s. - i live in eastern pennsylvania

General Chat / New photography site is up and running
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:11:08 PM »
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that thanks to Jamie, who also put this site together, my site is up and running along with some other good news. About 95% of my pics are on the site and I have prices up along with information on the quality and availability of the photographs. Also a local art gallery called me up last week and wanted me to bring 7 of my pictures to their gallery to be judged for inclusion into an upcoming show. I took 7 pictures to the adjudication and they selected 6 out of the 7 for their next show which will be in early September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooohoooooo, the owner of the gallery actually called my photography phenomenal!!!!! He made me blush, lol. At any rate, im getting noticed locally so get my pics at the low price they are at now before demand makes the prices skyrocket!!! LOL, im just kidding but please feel free to pass along my web site to anyone you would like, any help is greatly appreciated. One last thing, this is stated on the web site but i feel like it is worth stressing, to avoid anyone stealing my pictures and printing them out for themselves, all of the pictures on the site are only 400 pixels, now, the ones that will be printed out, the ones you would purchase are over 3000 pixels !!!!!! They are stunning in print. As i stated on my site, i guarantee that you will be blown away by the quality of the photos and if you are not, ill buy it back from you!!!! The only part of the web site that isnt perfectly running yet is the ordering form. If you are interested in ordering anything just use the Contact Me link on the site and include in the email the title of the picture that you would like along with the size, the prices are on the site but the shipping is not but that shouldnt cost more than a few dollars, i promise, ill get on it as soon as i get time!!!!! hehehe. Thanks again to everyone for lookin.


General Chat / photography
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:34:06 PM »
hi again everyone, as you know i am getting married next year and right now we are both trying to find the funds in which to do it with. Anyway, within the past year or two i began to get more into amateur photography. I have taken alot of pics but mostly of flowers and insects, waterfalls, things like that, i have a few of landscapes such as Colorado and Jamaica and stuff like that. A few of my pieces were requested by a frame shop around here and i thought that i might began to see if there is any interest online with selling my pitcures. I do have a small free web page that i was able to find to post a few of my pics on, but they arent a great site and i am having problems already with them. But i figured i would post the site on a few of the forums that i am on and see if anyone liked them. As i said, i do have alot, so if you have any requests, i might just have it. I do have a local printer that handles all of my printing needs so if anyone likes anything and knows what size they would like, i can get it ordered. I have also made friends with the local frame shop and i could set something up if in fact anyone would want it framed. Also, if anyones knows of a site that is free that i can host my pictures, i would be greatful for the recommendation. Please feel free to pass along my web page to anyone who might be interested and dont forget to ask, i have alot of pictures that are not on that web page. To the moderators of this site, if you feel that this is an advertisement or if it crosses the forum rules, please delete it and i apologize. Thanks to everyone who looks and even if you are not interested in purchasing any pictures feel free to comment on the pics, a little constructive criticism goes a long way!!


Health / possible eye infection???
« on: July 21, 2006, 08:22:23 AM »
this morning i woke up and went into my chinch room to say hello like i do most mornings and when i took a look at my baby gurl, her one eye was swollen. i cant see any type of discharge from it or anything and she seems to be in good spirits and she isnt displaying any further symptoms of a cold but i am very worried. can anyone give me some suggestions or tell me if this type of thing happens some times? i would certainly take her to a vet but so far, the places i have checked around here dont see chinchillas. maybe someone knows of a site where i could find a chinchilla friendly vet. i am very concerned so if anyone has any ideas please email me at BAMBAML19@AOL.COM


General Chat / My Chins
« on: June 28, 2006, 02:50:50 PM »
Well im back on the new board and i wanted to post some pics of my kids. First, the boy, Tocchet, he is about two years old and bigger that the gurl, but not for long, and second, the baby gurl, she is about 7 months old and alot fiestier than the boy. anyway, i am going to post a few pics of them along with one of the play structures i have built for them, i am currently in the process of making a few more, ill post them as i make them, lemme know what you think. thanks


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