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Topics - MyPetErny

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Q & A / Pleas help me. My chin has soft stools.
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:08:39 PM »
Hay pleas help me. I have 15 week old boy chin that i have own for a week. I love him so much and care for him i read all the book and my sister has owned his brother now for 5 months. Last night at 11:35pm when i let him out for a run his stools had became soft. There was only 10 soft stool in his cage and 19 hard (I had cleaned him out at 8:30am). I feed him only 1 tsb of "pets at home chinchilla food" (this is what he has been feed since he could eat) 4-5 hand full of "natural meadow hay excellent for chinchillas" and he always has fresh water. I clean his cage then ad the 6am today and found allot more soft stools but he did poo at all after that till 7 ish tonight when i found less stools they where still soft but not as bad. The stools are still and brown tick tack shape and don't smell. I did give him 4 rains yesterday as i was teaching him his name. His is lively and still loving. I tock away all rains and food pellets he has 7 hand full of hay and i gave him burnt toast. I don't know what els to do or if this is enough. Any help?? Pleas. P.s sorry about spelling and grammar.

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