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Messages - GrayRodent

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 183
Q & A / Re: Chinchilla toys
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:45:22 AM »
I wish I could say. I'm in the US. Can anyone else make a recommendation?

Cages / Re: Ferret Nation and Bass Pan review
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:43:15 AM »
Could you put a shelf close enough that they can jump from it? Chins can jump over 2 feet straight up.
The problem with ramps is the horizontal bars are notorious for trapping their feet and legs since the foot easily slips between them. The cloth covering will get chewed on and if the bars get exposed they can hang if they get their foot on it. I have countless horror stories to tell. In the last incident I know of the cover slipped partially off and the chin hung by its leg and lost circulation. Its toes had to be amputated and part of the foot sloughed off before it began to heal up. Also had muscle damage further up from flailing around to get free. At least that one survived. Others have not as been as fortunate.

Health / Re: Chinchilla strange mouth inflammation
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:39:06 AM »
It probably is an abscess, which is common in chinchillas with malocclusion. My recommendation is getting a dental x-ray. Unfortunately the x-ray is the best diagnostic tool at your disposal and it does require anesthesia.

If malocclusion is found I recommend euthanasia as surgery to correct it almost always provides only temporary results. It's kind of gruesome to mention this but I had this happen once to a pet and they charged extra for disposal. To save money you can opt to take care of that yourself.

Until you can make the appointment to do that I also recommend feeding a recovery diet and getting materials and instructions for your vet. Anorexia wreaks havoc on chinchillas.

Very sorry to hear this.

General Chat / Re: Attn: Grayrodent
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:32:15 AM »
Wow I don't remember exactly but it I think it was something over three miles.

Cages / Re: Ferret Nation and Bass Pan review
« on: July 23, 2017, 07:40:58 AM »
Thank you for posting this. That's great that you want to share it. I have a FN-182 and I love it. I have customized the flooring though but I recommend the aftermarket pan for most.
You are right about the fleece ramp covers. Accidents with these ramps are common even with covers since they can become dislodged. They are best left out.

Cages / Re: Safe wood?
« on: July 23, 2017, 07:40:08 AM »
I don't live in the UK but I expect white pine is commonly available. White pine and aspen are safe and common building materials. Do not use particle board/press board or board that is painted, laminated, or treated with chemicals to prevent rot.

Health / Re: Chinchilla has lose of fur around his nose
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:15:18 PM »
I don't think using a spray is a good idea. But you can put a couple of tablespoons of powder such as Desenex into to a couple of cups of bath dust and dust bath every day for a week or so. (Don't make a habit of dusting every day though). If there is no improvement after 10 days call your vet. If you have another chin I'd give it the same treatment.

It can be contagious and transmittable to other animals and people as well. There are different strains and some can be worse than others. Do not spray the carpet with the chins in the same room. They have highly sensitive respiratory systems. Cleaners such as Febreeze are known to be lethal to chinchillas. You can put them back in after they are done spraying and there is no aerosol from spraying in the air.

Fungal infections may get worse before they get better. If it goes beyond the ears, base of the tail, and the nose, or is affecting the genitals consult your vet.

Health / Re: Health care
« on: July 09, 2017, 07:12:25 AM »
Excellent. Sounds like you are taking really good care of your chin. Fleece works well too.

Q & A / Re: Aggressive young chinchilla – any advice?
« on: July 06, 2017, 01:40:25 PM »
Sorry to hear that. I have two chins that I was hoping to combine but they are not compatible. There are advantages to keeping them separate. It helps you monitor their food and water intake more accurately.

Health / Re: Health care
« on: July 06, 2017, 01:39:14 PM »
I wouldn't recommend any kind of product that produces an aroma. Are you having problems with odors? What kind of bedding are you using? How often is it being replaced?

Typically chinchilla owners use pine chips and replace them once every 10 days, more often in humid conditions. The cage should not have solid walls. Also try running a fan in the room to help with ventilation. Never blow fans through your pet's cage though.

Health / Re: My boy died last nigjt, worried about his companion
« on: June 25, 2017, 08:22:16 PM »
I'm very sorry to hear about this. Also sorry I've been away from the forums for a while. I think you may have found by now that your surviving chinchilla has been getting through it alright, most chins do when this happens. Chinchillas typically prefer solitude.
If you choose to pair with another chinchilla please be very careful as not all are compatible and they can wound and kill if they are not properly introduced and trouble is not spotted early.

Again very sorry for your loss. Chinchillas are very special pets. God bless.

Q & A / Re: Aggressive young chinchilla – any advice?
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:01:26 PM »
Chinchillas do get hormonal. Also not all chins are compatible with each other. Also I have a chin that is very sexual compared to the other and I think he'll always be that way. If a chinchilla is biting the other they are not compatible.
However chinchillas do hump each other when they are together. It is normal behavior and they do this to establish a pecking order (dominance mounting) and it is normal for females and males. Biting is not normal and cannot be tolerated. I recommend you plan to have two cage setups or a split cage setup.

Q & A / Re: Time outside of cage?
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:57:05 PM »
The best way to let them out is to chinchilla-proof a room. It's easy to do that in a bathroom. Another thing is to train your chinchilla to stay where you are. I do this by sitting on a chair and holding him and letting him crawl on me. Do expect your pet will get away from you. You just have to go after him. But before all of this I strongly recommend interacting with your pet through and in the cage and gaining a bond with him. Do not take your chinchilla outside to play this is very dangerous and predators such as hawks or dogs are a severe threat. And if you lose your chin and can't get him back he probably won't survive. Outdoor temp is also a high concern.
Chinchillas do not need to be exercised regularly out of their cage they are not like dogs.

General Chat / Re: Need bonding advice please!
« on: April 22, 2017, 07:32:50 AM »
Just put the cages next to each other for 8 weeks and wait. Then try to introduce them. It's a method that is known to work and recommended by expert breeders. No method is guaranteed and care must be taken to assess success when you put them into the same cage after that waiting period.
Bonding in pairs is not necessarily permanent either. The new dynamic introduced by the other animals in the group can change things. It may be necessary to permanently separate them.

General Chat / Re: Need bonding advice please!
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:17:56 PM »
My advice is wait 2-3 weeks. Have chins in same room but not in same enclosure and then try again. Put cages side by side 3 inches apart. Typically you want to have a minimum 8 week waiting period. Also it is advised to quarantine 3-4 weeks before putting them into the same room if possible.

The neutral area bonding method will not work for all chins. Also, and unfortunately, not all chins are compatible with each other but you won't know anything until the waiting period is over and they can get used to each other from a short distance.

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