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Messages - Cuddles

Pages: [1] 2
General Chat / Re: Chins Like to be Cuddled?
« on: October 05, 2009, 08:27:34 PM »
I have two of which is more like a ninja and the other is a cuddler...I got the best of both worlds!  ;)

General Chat / Re: Hay cubes are a mess!
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:24:13 AM »
My chins also eat about half of the cubes! Maybe the good stuff is on the outside and the inner core is too hard? Shooooot...they chew wood! heh, I also have a food bowl that is not secure and they used to knock that thing over all the time. I guess they learned not to, because I havent seen it toppled over in quite some time! So smart. So cute. So fluffy.

General Chat / Re: Second chinchilla
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:21:59 AM »
....I give my little ones Alfalfa hay until they are 3 months old, then switch over to 1/2 Alfalfa hay and 1/2 Timothy hay, mixed.  When they turn 6 months old they usually go to strait Timothy hay.   Alfalfa is then used only when he/she is sick or sickly/under weight....
Wait, what? Ive been given mine alfalfa cubes since Ive had them (1 year)...uh oh spaghettiO's

General Chat / Re: They Get Big Fast!
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:14:25 AM »
Breeder told me this about their colors:
The females I currently have are both pretty rare colors, a white violet and a pink white violet carrier. 
I have some more pictures at home. Ill edit this post and add them in here. I think I was just saying that Yoda has some violet on her...


Bigger picture here:

Those solid violets are beautiful!

Health / Re: Holy Heart Failure
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:44:55 AM »
Thank you, so much to both of you! My gut says she is ok, but I was trying to make the girlfriend happy so I wanted to get some more ideas of what other owners have heard or expierenced  :::grins::. Been a lot more in tune with the chins since over the weeekend, and I feel like I have 'rediscovered' them. I have that same feeling I had when I was first wanting chinchillas! Im excited to further my relationship with them. I like cuddling with Bean, she is so soft  ::silly::

Health / Re: Holy Heart Failure
« on: October 02, 2009, 10:52:36 AM »
Thanks Jo Ann, I fricken love that you are on this forum  |hugs|

I completly understand about them trying to do some ninja vanish stuff, I mean they ninja kick walls all the time! Ill better explain, now that I have had a chance to calm my nerves ;)

I was playing Xbox in a totally seperate room (it has never seemed to bother them). The chinchillas and my girl friend were in the other room. I heard a scream and I ran over there. When I got there everything looked fine with Yoda, she was moving and jumping about. I didnt find out till she told me why she screamed, that Yoda was looking like a statue. She said it probably happened for 3 minutes (however I did see my girl leave the room and I heard the scream very shortly after). She claimed putting treats in front of Yoda's face wouldnt get a reaction, which usually gets the chins real hyper.

I could definitely relate to wanting some attention. I have been lacking in the 'give chillas outside the cage' time. I do ssee them and interact with them everyday, but like I said, they arent getting a lot of outside time. I will keep you posted if anything else happens. Sounds to me like she just wants some TLC  :'(

I also sent your comments to my girlfriend...this is what she says
For how long did Yoda do this?
 At least for 4 minutes before I started messing with her. When I went to see what she was doing it was another minute before I yelled mike. She was completely frozen and moved like a stuffed animal when I touched her, unresponsive to my touch to my voice and to a raisin stuck practically up her nose. (my co-worker) is saying a seizure, eeeek!!!!

Health / Holy Heart Failure
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:42:04 PM »
 :o I was playing some games and heard a banshee shriek in the other room! My girlfriend screamed because she thought our chinchilla was dying. She said that Yoda was not responding to anything...even treats! Had her eyes wide open though. I went to check on her and she seemed to be fine. It was almost like she was sleeping with her eyes open! Is there anything to worry about? She is freaking out, its freaking me heart is still beating super fast!

Health / Re: dried kiwi
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:40:08 AM »
Ive used the Kiwi, also from Lonestar Chins, and my girls loves it. I just got some pineapple to try as well!

Health / Re: ruptured cyst
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:33:50 AM »
Honey, it sounds like maybe you need to take some time off and get yourself taken care of.  Sleeping 15 hrs a day is not normal or healthy. 
This would be something to look into. How can you provide care for anyone or any pet if you cant take care of yourself? How are the chins doing?

Im bumping this topic because I am also wondering what the herb sensation is all about. I got a free sample, but I dunno if I want to use it yet. Here are the ingredients:
HS contains: no fillers and no high phosphorus grains… only 12 sensational herbs!
-Scroll past alphabetized list to read about the outstanding health benefits of these herbs-
alfalfa leaf
bee pollen
bilberry fruit (dried)
(Bilberries are not the same as blueberries, as Wikipedia clarifies: “All species whose English common names include "blueberry" are currently classified in section Cyanococcus of the genus Vaccinium. Several other plants of the genus Vaccinium also produce blue berries which are sometimes confused with blueberries, mainly the predominantly European bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), which in many languages has a name that means "blueberry" in English.”)

coriander seed
dandelion leaf
lemon peel (dried)
(Although chins cannot have wood from citrus trees, that warning does not apply to lemon peel, which is a safe and very beneficial herb. The lemon peel used in HS is dried, not fresh, eliminating any concern about the oil which is found in fresh lemon peel. As a side note of interest, lemon peel oil is not a cause for concern anyway, the main constituent in it has been on the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) Generally Recognized as Safe List and approved for use by the FDA as a food additive since 1975, in addition to showing promise as a treatment for cancer.)
lemon verbena
peppermint leaf
plantain leaf
rose hips powder
rose petals, red or pink
self heal (heal all) leaf      <-- wtf is that?! haha   edit: found

Here is a link to the .doc  <-- this has more information also gives a short description about some of the ingredients.

General Chat / They Get Big Fast!
« on: March 10, 2009, 04:47:23 PM »
Some more pictures of my girls. Yoda (Violet) and Bean. Enjoy:

I feel like their Chinchilla Mansion is too small now!!

Health / Re: One is Fat, The Other...Not So Much
« on: December 09, 2008, 11:19:36 AM »
Hmmmm. Should I be gromming my chins? Or is that for show chillas only? I thought dust baths were enough.

Health / Re: One is Fat, The Other...Not So Much
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:08:26 PM »
Thanks everyone! Sorry if I was misleading, but I have been giving them 1 bowl, with 4 tablespoons worth of food in it. I did just buy another feeding dish so now I have two! Ill go ahead and use them both, that sounds like a great idea. I also read somewhere about breaking up the feedings. So I would do 2 tablespoons in the monring and 2 more at night. Would that be a more wise idea? Or I guess because some of you say give them as much as they want! then the dual feedings wont really do anything.

Any tips on the 'hold them at the base of the tail' trick? I have tried to do this several times but I feel like Im going to hurt my girls and quickly give up when they try to get away. AND I WOULD NEVER WANT TO HURT THEM!

Health / One is Fat, The Other...Not So Much
« on: December 04, 2008, 10:51:12 AM »
My girls are doing great, as far as I know. I did notice that one of them is about 30% smaller than the other one. Bean is the fatty. I noticed that she tends to push Yoda (not so fat) out of the way to get food. I feed them 2 tablespoons of Mazuri each every morning (let me know if it should be more) accompanied by hay cubes and a rasin. They do have a saucer wheel in their cage for exercise. Is this just some sisterly hatred? Any advice? Maybe feed them seperately some how? Thanks in advanced!

General Chat / GOT EM!
« on: October 04, 2008, 10:59:11 AM »
Abby was a pleasure to deal with and had great results. Got my girls and Im so pleased with everything  rofl . After two years I finally got a chinchilla! Well, two in this case. Ill post some cage pictures later on sometime. Here are Yoda (white violet) and Bean (white).

General Chat / Stickies
« on: September 04, 2008, 10:08:12 AM »
Ive been browsing around and havent noticed that many stickied threads. I think it would be very helpful and stop a lot of common questions if someone could make a thread with all the basic information in it and then sticky it to the top. Thoughts? ::silly::

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