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Messages - CuteFoosa

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Chin has lots of loose fur?
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:45:09 AM »
I was at the pet store a few days ago when I really noticed how soft a chinchilla's fur can look.  When I got home I closely examined my chinchilla, thinking his fur didn't look so soft because of his uneven color.  However, his face and neck are as soft as can be, but his back and hind legs have a ton of fur partially sticking out.  I know that dust baths assist in the removal but he barely loses any of his fur when taking his bath.  Could I not be using enough dust, are his baths too short, or are there other methods I can use to remove his fur? (Without having to search for those special grooming combs.)

Q & A / Taming a chinchilla outside of his cage?
« on: June 08, 2010, 12:36:38 PM »
So I got Chibby On July 4th 2008.  He had a companion, Azumi, who died probably around a year ago.  (I had the flu, would it have been possible that I gave it to him?)  Anyway, his previous owner took great care of him so, even though he's active, he has always willingly jumped into my hands when I put them in his cage.  However, if he got out of the cage and I wasn't holding him, he would instantly run to the only place in the room that I could not reach him--under my bed--and just sit there.  I take him into either the bathroom sometimes (not usually, though, as all he does it sits behind the toilet) or in the pantry (4'x4' room) and let him jump on the boxes and crawl all around.  I sometimes give him his bath in there, also.  But he hates when I touch him or try to pet him.  I understand that it may just be his personality but are there any methods I could try to have him become more used to me outside of his cage?  I read the sticky topics and they weren't very useful. :s
Also, about a year and a half ago he started having seizures and I removed him from his cage.  After that for a long time he seemed afraid of me, as if I caused them, though I've almost gained his trust back as much as it was prior to that horrible day. :(
I guess I'm just really jealous that all the youtube videos I watch their chinchillas are jumping all over their owners or not running from them and trying to hide. :-\

Health / Re: Chinchilla had Seizures?
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:47:32 PM »
Oh, wow, thank you so much.
I could not take him to a vet because I had absolutely no transportation and the nearest vet is not within walking distance in the slightest.
He is already getting back to his normal self, but still afraid of me.  It is my fault though, I will have to earn back his trust.

Health / Chinchilla had Seizures?
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:37:29 PM »
So yesterday I went to check on my chinchillas and one of them, E, was on his side shaking violently.  I took him out of the cage and started to stroke him.  He calmed down, so I put him back.  15 minutes later he was doing it again.
Around an hour prior, a bug man had sprayed the house.  However, he assured me that the spray was fumeless and didn't spray around their cage.
Though E was the only one who seemed ill, I put both him and the other chinchilla, Azumi, in a cage and put them outside.
I don't know if he continued to seize outside, but when I went to check on them he was shaking, though alert and moving around.  I brought them back inside.
He continued to have the strangest seizures.
Sometimes he would stand on his back legs and throw himself upwards, then start to shake and paw at his mouth.
Other times his back legs would shake VERY violently, then the rest of his body continued.
A few times he would start shaking and squeaking, then run across the room. [I had him out of his cage so I could prevent him from injuring himself.]
A visit to the vet was not possible.  He eventually quit.
All during the day I was trying to find out how he was having seizures, but the other was not.  I thought that it was either a calcium or vitamin B deficiency.  So I bought a cuttlebone last night, and they took a liking to it.
E has not been shaking at all today, nor have I witnessed a single seizure.
HOWEVER.  He is not acting like himself at all.  Before yesterday I had to constantly be on watch or he would get into something, and would jump on the side of his cage to get my attention.  Now, he seems afraid of me.  He's so calm, and I can keep the cage door open and he doesn't even try to leave the cage.  when I reach in to pet him, he smells me then retreats to his house.
What has happened to him?

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